
you were taught wrong

outdated.today is a collection of "facts" that were taught that were later proven to be wrong.


use the contact form on the "about" page to submit a fact, or submit an issue in the github repo using the following template:

your name (required)
your email (required)
how you'd like to be credited (required)
a link to your twitter/github/website/twitch/anything i guess (optional)
the year your factoid was proven wrong (required)
what was taught (required)
what is now known to be true (required)
source link (required)
additional source link (optional, but nice)

your name and email will not be published on the website (unless that's what you list in the credit fields). i'll notify you with an email when i update the repo with your fact, or let you know that it didn't pass the smell test. if you use an issue to submit the fact, i'll close it with a note about whether the fact was approved or not.


this was built so I could learn about react and fulfill a promise I made many moons ago. it's buit on react (obviously) and uses Bulma, EmailJS, Elastic Email, React Router, and create-react-app. It's hosted on Netlify and I bought the domain on Namecheap because they're pretty okay at selling me domains.

this was my first unguided shot at building a react app and i think i did kinda okay. don't roast me too hard though thanks.

contributing in other ways

i appreciate your feedback and welcome you to submit issues. please don't submit any pull requests though, i'd really like to keep the code in here mine.