Ruby Exceptions

Ways to handle errors in Ruby.

  • Represents some kind of exceptional or error condition

    It indicates that something has gone wrong.

  • Exceptions are raised.

  • An exception is a special kind of object, an instance of the class Exception. Or it may be a descendant of that class.

  • Ruby has some predefined classes - Exception and its children. Exceptions

  • By default, Ruby programs terminate when an exception occurs.

  • It is possible to declare exception handlers.

    An exception handler is a block of code that is executed if an exception occurs during the execution of some other block of code.

  • Raising an exception means:

    1. Stopping normal execution of the program.
    2. Tansferring the flow-of-control to the exception handling code.

Cases where an Exception will be raised.

  • Divide a number by Zero. See demo
  • Open a file that doesn't exist.
  • User enters the wrong type of input. See demo
  • A method determines that an argument passed to is not correct. See demo
  • Calling a method on an object that it does have. See demo
  • Typing Control-C on the terminal while a Ruby program is Running. See demo
  • RubyOnRails has many methods that can raise and exception. See demo
    • Invalid input from a form.
    • Saving an object to the Database that is not valid.


Divide by Zero

Look at div_by_zero.rb. Notice how it raises a "Divide by Zero" exception.

Run it.

ruby div_by_zero.rb

Rescue the exception and show the exception attributes.

ruby div_by_zero_exception.rb

Retry (Handling Exceptions)

Do the above for argument_error.rb and argument_error_retry


Create a ruby app to guess a number. Give the user 3 tries. Use retry


Creating your own Exceptions.

Look at Person class with a PersonValid exception class.


Use this PersonValid exception class to validate people.

Validate name and age.

  1. Create a Person class with a name and an age.
  2. Add a Person instance method to check if the name is has from 2 to 9 characters.
  3. Add a Person instance method to check if the person has a valid age. Greater than 0 and less than 110.

Lab (Advanced)

Populate a set of people from data.

[ {john: 44}, {mary:, 33}, {bill: 22}, {harry: 44, 'male'}, {sue: 26} ]

  1. Given this above list of hash literals, create people by passing each hash to the method.
  2. Ignore bad data, (hint: use rescue). Another words, don't let bad data break your program.