
Exemplary real world application built with Seed

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

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RealWorld Example App

Seed codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.

Demo     RealWorld

This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with Seed including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.

We've gone to great lengths to adhere to the Seed community styleguides & best practices.

For more information on how to this works with other frontends/backends, head over to the RealWorld repo.

How it works

I think the best way to show you how it works is to describe what's going on step by step when you open this example in your browser. So let's say you've just written https://seed-rs-realworld.netlify.com/ to URL bar and pressed Enter:

  1. Netlify redirects your request to index.html. (See /netlify.toml.)
  2. There is a script in /index.html that loads wasm file and starts application.
  3. Application is initialized in /src/lib.rs - see block Start at the end of that file.
  4. The first is called function before_mount (we are still in file lib.rs):
    1. You can select mount point with .mount_point("element-id"). But the default one (app) is good for us.
    2. .mount_type(MountType::Takeover) means that the previous HTML content in the mount point will be replaced with the application HTML.
  5. Then the function after_mount is called:
    1. It tries to load Viewer from the local storage. Viewer is the object that contains info about currently logged in user (name, auth. token, avatar image url, etc).
    2. Then it creates a new Session with Viewer (or without it if you are not logged in). Session is de facto shared state - you are able to get it from all pages.
    3. Then the Model is created with Session. Model is enum, where each variant represents one page. Here, in init function, we create Model from variant Redirect because we haven't decided yet which page to show (i.e. Redirect is a "placeholder" variant).
    4. And we also try to parse given URL and send result to Seed's runtime.
  6. after_mount function also sends message RouteChanged which is handled in update function. Handler calls function change_model_by_route which choose the right Model according to the URL path.
  7. Model::Home is chosen in our example. However this variant should contain "sub-model" from /src/page/home so we need to call page::home::init(..) to get it.
  8. page::home::init loads required data (e.g. article feed or tags).
  9. We have data to show so when Seed's runtime calls View function again we can see it rendered in the browser.

We didn't talked about function sink in lib.rs in the steps above. sink has the similar purpose like update function but it handles global messages. It's the way how modules communicate with parents or with other modules. The most use case is to send GMsg::RoutePushed when we want to go to another page (see function go_to in /src/route.rs).

Getting started

  1. Install Rust
  2. Update Rust: $ rustup update
  3. Install WASM target: $ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  4. Install cargo-make: $ cargo install --force cargo-make
  5. Build project from its root: $ cargo make all or $ cargo make watch
    • Note: You need some dependencies like pkg-config on Linux - just follow recommendations after compilation errors.
  6. Start local server: $ cargo make serve
    • Note: You have to open a new terminal tab/window if you used $ cargo make watch.
  7. Open in you browser localhost:8000


  1. Create issues and PRs - bugs, missing documentation, typos, unreadable code...
  2. Squash commits, rebase on the current master and run $ cargo make verify (+ commit changes, if any) before creating PR.


$ tokei
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 HTML                    1           21           19            2            0
 Markdown                1           66           66            0            0
 Rust                   81         5899         4869          344          686
 SVG                     1           17           17            0            0
 TOML                    4          199          146           20           33
 Total                  88         6202         5117          366          719