The Django Storage Celery Results application introduces custom Celery Result Storage Backend based on the Django Storage for the Django-based projects.
It allows using any existent core or third-party Django Storage implementation to store Celery results.
The Celery package provides some number of result backends to store task results in different local, network, and cloud storages. The django-celery-result package adds options to use Django-specific ORM-based result storage, as well as Django-specific cache subsystem.
On the other side, the Django itself, together with a django-storages package, provides a wide range of file-like storage backends also using local, network, and cloud storages.
The common interface of the Django Storage allows adopt it to store the Celery task results.
That's exactly what this package does. It's a simple thin wrapper appropriate to use with any Django Storage backend to adopt it to use as a Celery task results storage.
Stable version from the PyPi package repository
pip install django-storage-celery-results
Last development version from the GitHub source version control system
pip install git+git://
Include the django_storage_celery_results
application into the INSTALLED_APPS
list, like:
file to provide common settings
of the Celery switching to the custom storage:
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'django_storage_celery_results.backends.StorageBackend'
The Celery package allows to use short labels to refer to its own or third-party
backend, so you can use a label django-storage
instead of the full path to the custom backend of
our package:
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'django-storage'
variable to provide a full path to the
Django Storage
provider class to use as a backend, f.e.:
- to use a Django core provided backend
- to use a separate django-storages package provided backend
CELERY_RESULT_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.gcloud.GoogleCloudStorage'
You can use two ways to provide django storage backend-specific parameters to the backend constructor simultaneously.
For the first, you can use classic Django way declaring separate
backend-specific prefixed variables in the
file. For example,
accordingly to the django-storages package documentation, you can use
-prefixed variables to provide Google Storage specific
parameters to the django storage, like:
from google.oauth2 import service_account
GS_CREDENTIALS = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
For the second, you can use one settings variable to provide all necessary parameters together directly to the storage backend constructor (see the particular storage backend constructor parameter names inside the storage backend source code):
from google.oauth2 import service_account
'credentials': service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
'bucket_name': 'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME_GOES_HERE',
'location': 'celery-results/develop'
Mixing these two ways, directly passed parameters are preferred by the constructor as a rule (depends on the storage backend implementation).
Use the second way to provide specific options to the Django Storage backend to use it as a Celery storage backend.
For example, you could use a FileSystemStorage for both, media files, as well as celery results. But, you probably would not like to have celery results accessible from the WEB, as media files.
For the purpose, you can provide different locations for them, like:
# The default file storage and its settings
MEDIA_ROOT = '/data/web/media/`
# Custom Celery result backend
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'django-storage'
# Celery result storage specific settings
'location': '/data/celery-results/'
This appendix lists several Django Storage
backends tested by the author to be compatible with the package, with the table of used
backend-specific Django
and the corresponding backend constructor parameters appropriate
to use as keys of the CELERY_RESULT_STORAGE_CONFIG
see also the current documentation
backend constructor parameter | Meaning from doc |
MEDIA_ROOT | location | Absolute filesystem path to the directory that will hold the files. |
see also the current documentation
NOTICE that the direct backend constructor parameter names are not documented in the documentation, so may be changed from version to version.
NOTICE that the chapters below describe only some used parameters, not all.
See the original package documentation
and the method get_default_settings
of every backend to see the full list of
the backend constructor parameters.
CELERY_RESULT_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage' variable |
backend constructor parameter | Meaning from doc |
AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | access_key | Access Key |
AWS_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | secret_key | Access Secret |
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME | bucket_name | Bucket Name |
AWS_LOCATION | location | Storage Location (folder) inside a bucket |
CELERY_RESULT_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.gcloud.GoogleCloudStorage' variable |
backend constructor parameter | Meaning from doc |
GS_CREDENTIALS | credentials | Credentials object created by the Google library |
GS_BUCKET_NAME | bucket_name | Bucket Name |
GS_LOCATION | location | Storage Location (folder) inside a bucket |
I would glad to see PRs and new ideas, as well as reports about integration experience.