
Docker image that regularly backs up a MongoDB instance into an s3 bucket

Primary LanguageShell


This image runs mongodump to backup data using cronjob to an s3 bucket


AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - your aws access key id (for your s3 bucket)

AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: - your aws secret access key (for your s3 bucket)

AWS_REGION: - your aws region

BUCKET: - your s3 bucket

BACKUP_FOLDER: - name of folder or path to put backups (eg myapp/db_backups/). defaults to root of bucket.

MONGODB_HOST - the host/ip of your mongodb database (eg mongodb://localhost:27017)

MONGODB_USERNAME - the username of your mongodb database. If MONGODB_USERNAME is empty while MONGODB_PASS is not, the image will use admin as the default username

MONGO_PASSWORD - the password of your mongodb database

MONGO_DATABASE - the database name to dump. If not specified, it will dump all the databases

EXTRA_OPTS - any extra options to pass to mongodump command

CRON_TIME - the interval of cron job to run mongodump. 0 3 * * * by default, which is every day at 03:00hrs.

TZ - timezone. default: US/Eastern

CRON_TZ - cron timezone. default: US/Eastern

INIT_BACKUP - if set, create a backup when the container launched

INIT_RESTORE - if set, restore from latest when container is launched

DISABLE_CRON - if set, it will skip setting up automated backups. good for when you want to use this container to seed a dev environment.

Restore from a backup

To see the list of backups, you can run:

docker exec mongodb-backup-s3 /listbackups.sh

To restore database from a certain backup, simply run (pass in just the timestamp part of the filename):

docker exec mongodb-backup-s3 /restore.sh 20170406T155812

To restore latest just:

docker exec mongodb-backup-s3 /restore.sh
