
NESFlix is a movie player for your Nintendo Entertainment System / NES, intended for VJ use.

Primary LanguageAssembly

NESFlixTool by Batsly Adams
8bitpeoples Research & Development - http://www.8bitpeoples.com

Copyright 2011 Don Miller
For more information, visit: http://www.no-carrier.com

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


adorn.gif        - sample GIF to convert to CHR
asm6             - OSX ASM6 assembler by loopy, compiled by me
asm6.exe         - Windows ASM6 assembler by loopy
gpl.txt          - GNU General Public License
icon.nam         - nametable file (see below)
mmc3_compile.bat - batch file to compile NESFlix for MMC3
mmc3_compile.sh  - shell script to compile NESFlix for MMC5
mmc3.chr         - CHR file (graphics banks) for MMC3 ROM
mmc5_compile.bat - batch file to compile NESFlix for MMC3
mmc5_compile.sh  - shell script to compile NESFlix for MMC5
mmc5_header.bin  - header file needed for MMC5
mmc5.chr         - CHR file (graphics banks) for MMC5 ROM
nesflix_mmc3.asm - source code for NESFlix MMC3 version
nesflix_mmc5.asm - source code for NESFlix MMC5 version
NESFLixTool      - folder with NESFLix conversion tool for
                   Windows, OSX, and Linux by Batsly Adams
order.nam        - nametable file (see below)
readme.txt       - You're reading it!


YY-CHR   - Tile editor  - http://www.briansemu.com/yymarioed/
Context  - Text editor  - http://www.contexteditor.org/
Nestopia - NES emulator - http://nestopia.sourceforge.net/


PowerPak - NES flash cart         - http://www.retrousb.com
ReproPak - NES reproduction board - http://www.retrousb.com


---- Controller 1 ----

Select - changes position of movie
Start - toggles color cycling
Up, Down, Left, Right - toggles movie scrolling in given direction
B - changes palette
A - reverses direction of movie

---- Controller 2 ----

Up, Down - change animation speed


First of all, you're going to need a CHR (character graphics bank)
file properly prepped for this software. Check the accompanying PDF
that explains this process. Big up Batsly Adams for the tutorial and

However, if you're lazy, there is an included GIF and proper CHR files
for both MMC3 and MMC5. You'll want MMC3 if you're using a PowerPak,
but MMC5 will allow for larger files - and is well suited for emulation.

In the INCLUDED FILES section about you can see there are batch files
(for Windows) and shell scripts (for OSX) to compile both versions.
Both of these use asm6 to compile, so big thanks to the one like loopy.

After you have your ROM ready to go, the fun begins. This ROM uses
both controllers, as outlined in CONTROLS above. By default, the
movie plays in four-up mode. You can hit SELECT to change the position
of the movie, from four-up, to upper left, upper right, lower left,
lower right, or center. UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT will toggle the
screen scrolling in those directions. You can position the movie using
these controls, or just keep it scrolling. B changes through a preset
number of palettes. You can edit these near the end of the source code.
START toggles color cycling of the selected palette. A reverses the
playback direction of the movie. Tap it repeatedly to make it go back
and forth. On controller two you can hit UP and DOWN to change the
speed of the animation.


0.1 - 12.13.2011 - Initial release