WARNING: Under heavy development
I think I should write that this gem is not yet production ready. So you should probably wait a bit if you want to use that.
Contentr - The embeddable CMS Engine
First add contentr and the edge version of carrierwave
to your Gemfile
gem 'contentr', git: "git://github.com/no-dashes/contentr.git"
gem 'carrierwave', git: 'git://github.com/jnicklas/carrierwave.git'
Then run the bundle
Copy the migrations and run them:
rake contentr_engine:install:migrations db:migrate
After that run the install generator.
rails g contentr:install
In order to use contentr
properly you need to override two methods in your ApplicationController:
and contentr_publisher?
to make a controller serve the contentr pages:
in routes.rb add
get '/whatever/path/you/like/*contentr_path' => 'contentr/pages#show', :as => 'contentr'
To use linked pages in a view, add contentr to the corresponding view.
By default, contentr will look for Contentr::LinkedPages with a linked_to attribute like this:
- controller#action:id if an id is present
- controller#action
- controller#*
If you put a contentr "link_key" into your action, the Contentr::LinkedPage with the given link_key will be loaded.
To enable the old-school linked_to behaviour just put a before_filter :contentr into your controller(s).