
Grab Notifications and send them PLAIN via WiFi to a device (IP or Broadcast and Port) in your LAN. A small daemon get them and send them to GNOME, KDE, Unity or xfce.

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send notifications to GNOME, KDE, Unity or xfce

Grab Notifications and send them PLAIN via WiFi to a device (IP or Broadcast and Port) in your LAN. A small daemon get them and send them to GNOME, KDE, Unity or xfce.

App Icon

The App Icon

Screenshot (old)



Signed Apk: Notify to UDP

UDP 2 Notify for your Linux System: here

Modes (udp2notify binary)

  • as daemon (default)
  • listen to broadcast (default)
  • listen on Port 58000 (default)

non Daemon and listen to 65000:

./udp2notify 65000 -d

listen to 65000 and non broadcast UDP packages:

./udp2notify 65000 -b