Rick App
play automatic burp in silent situations
The Rick-click.dummer.rickapp.App plays a automatic burp in silent situation. This click.dummer.rickapp.App makes it possible to talk like Rick in Rick and Morty.
APK File with new, different signature or get the Rick App from f-Droid.
Android 4.0
If you have a older Android Version (below 4.4.4), try this apk (not tested): RickApp Android 4.0 and above
Rick App Icon
- Threshold ruler: modify the noise limit
- RickApp plays a burp sound, if there is a realy short time without noise
- It plays a new burp only after 2 seconds to protect from endless burps
- If your mobile plays sound, RickApp hears it, too.
- 6 different burps
- start/stop control via notification
- RickApp shows the sound sampling values in a textbox
Your Screen is off, but RickApp does not sleep! Use the recent click.dummer.rickapp.App feature of your Homescreen and close RickApp by swiping it away.
This click.dummer.rickapp.App uses the microphone! You can not use the microphone, if you get a call and RickApp works!
I publish everything under the free BSD-2 License.