
This code collects gray value images (MRT scans), join pixels of special gray values (skin or bones) with opencv and generates a openGL 3D model (Window).

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense


This code collects gray value images (MRT scans), join pixels of special gray values (skin or bones) with opencv and generates a openGL 3D model (Window).

the code is very old (2013 ?) with old opengl and massive simplified.

Parameter in main.cpp code (not command line!):

  • FOLDER: path to the images folder
  • SIZE: The x-y-size of the dcm file in pixel
  • START and STOP: the values for the image number in the files (vhf.IMAGE_NUMBER.dcm)
  • JUMP: e.g. with a 10 at this place, only every 10th image and pixel is used for the result (faster!)
  • EXTRACTVALUE: use 600 or 700 for the skin, or use 1300 for the bones

Usage: click into window!

Initial the Windows is gray and empty.

  • space: add a layer to 3D
  • +: zoom in
  • -: zoom out
  • c: add a point to the layer


You need GLUT (tested with freeglut 3.2.1), glu (tested with 9.0.1) and openvc (tested with 4.2.0). Additionaly pkg-config is a good choice. GL is also used (tested mesa 19.3.4).

example files
