
Utility pack to study and edit SAV files for Sid Meier's Colonization (1994)

Primary LanguagePython

Sid Meier's Colonization (1994) SAV files utility pack

Forewarning: I'm not a native English speaker. Thanks to Leon for my grammar errors correction.

The aim of this work is to make a study and edit process of SAV files easy and comfortable. The ultimate goal is to fully describe the SAV file structure, outline it in universal format and prepare a utility pack for working with SAV files to enhance the gameplay of this brilliant game.

What is being done:

  • outline the SAV file structure in an easily readable and editable universal JSON format (smcol_sav_struct.json)
  • utility enc_decode_sav.py for parsing binary SAV file data and saving it to human readable/editable JSON format
  • the same utility for reading SAV file data FROM human readable/editable JSON format and writing it back to native SAV format (yes!)
  • utility for editing SAV files (certain fields such as: remove stockade, arm Indian converts, plant forests, etc.)

Utility smcol_sav_editor.py

The utility to edit SAV files. Warning: this is not a cheat utility! It won't give you unlimited gold or turn all the AI's ships to caravels (though you can do all that and more with enc_decode_sav.py)! All the changes it is supposed to make are QoL: relatively fair (in my opinion), much anticipated (like removing colony fortifications and planting forests) and refreshing for gameplay (like arming Indian converts or assimilating them). Functionality:

  • Plant forests
  • Remove fortifications in colonies
  • Upgrade warehouse level above 2 (for a fee!). Adjust max level and fee increase coefficients in settings.
  • Clear and plow tiles under AI's colonies (why does the AI never do it itself?..)
  • Career growth for Indian converts:
    • assimilate them as Indentured Servants (after several turns of work in a colony)
    • arm them with muskets and/or horses to fight by your side
    • equip them with tools and promote to pioneers
    • equip them with horses and promote to scouts
  • Repair damaged artillery (half a cost of building)
  • Adjust Royal Expeditionary Force size: reinforce, nerf or disband it
  • Add 4-th, 5-th etc specialist to manufactures

Utility enc_decode_sav.py


  • Read Colonization's native binary SAV files, decode them and save them in a human readable/editable SAV.JSON format
  • Encode SAV.JSON files back to binary SAV format

It means that you can decode your save game file, then easily edit the generated SAV.JSON file without a HEX editor, then encode it back to SAV, load it and continue playing with your changes applied! In AUTO UPDATE mode it tracks changes of a certain SAV or SAV.JSON file and decodes/encodes it automatically.

To run:

  • Install Python interpreter. Version 3.7+ is strictly necessary for preserving JSON keys order.
  • Additionally install bitarray module with pip (google how to do this please)
  • Place all the files of smcol_saves_utility in some folder
  • Open smcol_sav_settings.json file in a text editor and set the value of a colonize_path record to the path of the COLONIZE folder of your Colonization installation
  • Run enc_decode_sav.py whether using command python enc_decode_sav.py or just clicking on it (depends on how you configured your Python installation)
  • Follow onscreen instructions

SAV file structure outline in JSON format

It is stored in the smcol_sav_struct.json file. The structure itself was copied from viceroy project and adapted to JSON format. Thanks to eb4x and hegemogy for their great and thorough work!

Some additions were made by me:

  • Warehouse Expansion level info was correctly mapped (byte 0x95 in colony record).
  • Profession field value for Treasure unit is its gold amount (x100), i.e. 0x32 = 50d = 5000 gold.
  • Artillery/ship 'damaged' flag discovered. Now we can repair artillery! (for a price in wood and tools of course)
  • Colony "external" population and fortification values mapped. These values represent how a colony is seen by other nations (Player and AIs) on their maps (fog of war)
  • cheats_enabled flag: whether cheats menu is enabled (Alt+WIN)
  • tile_selection_mode flag: when no unit is selected and the square cursor is blinking
  • prime_resource_seed field: value responsible for prime resources sites placement. Its mechanic is still unknown
  • unknown_map38a and unknown_map38b - two unknown fields somehow related to map
  • unit's "visible to nation" bit fields
  • unit's origin COLONY (for colonist) or TRIBE (for braves) index
  • point_return_from_europe (the point where do ships returning from Europe appear)
  • click_before_open_colony x, y field (coords of the point player clicked before entering some colony screen)
  • show_colony_prod_quantities (to show poduction quantities on colony screen flag)
  • relation byte field partially decoded: have met flag, peace signed flag, irritated by piracy flag and unclear attitude (?) value
  • some Foreign Affairs Report fields mapped: nations' population, merchant marine and ship count values

no-more-secrets's additions:

  • Indian dwellings' growth counter
  • several values swaps and typos fixed

smcol_sav_struct.json file structure

It is a dictionary. Each entry of it is itself a dictionary too. Warning: keys order is essential though the JSON specification doesn't require it. Keep it in mind when using it elsewhere.

Its first record (section) is __metadata. It is not stored directly in the SAV file. __metadata is used to represent field values in human-readable form (instead of raw hex or bits). You can add new types here and use it for data fields below. For example:

  • nation_type represents nation ID fields values in text form (England, France, Aztec, Sioux, Tupi...) instead of hex values ("01", "02", "05", "0A", "0B")
  • cargo_type represents cargo ID fields values in text form (tobacco, silver, cloth...) instead of 4-bit values (0010, 0111, 1011...)

The next records map regions of SAV file data. The record can be:

  • simple - with a size entry value in bytes or bits

    • with just size entry in bytes (for ex "unknown00": {"size": 3}) - will be parsed as hex string ("unknown00": "1A 49 00")
    • with size and type hint ("year": {"size": 2, "type": "int"}) - will be parsed as a value of desired type ("year": 1694)
    • with count/cols entries (rows and cols count of data) - will be parsed as a 1d-array or 2d-array: "cargo_hold": {"size": 1, "cols": 6, "type": "int"} leads to: "cargo_hold": [100, 100, 100, 50, 0, 0]
    • with save_meta flag (to save the value to metadata dict and use it later - for colonies or units count for example)
  • structured - with struct field, describing its inner structure with byte mapping:

    "expeditionary_force": {
        "struct": {
            "regulars": {"size": 2, "type": "int"},
            "dragoons": {"size": 2, "type": "int"},
            "man-o-wars": {"size": 2, "type": "int"},
            "artillery": {"size": 2, "type": "int"}

    will be parsed as:

    "expeditionary_force": {
        "regulars": 64,
        "dragoons": 21,
        "man-o-wars": 11,
        "artillery": 20

    Structured fields allow use of count/cols entries, but not size (it will be computed manually) or type.

  • bit-structured - with bit_struct field, describing its inner structure with bit mapping:

            "fortification": {"size": 3, "type": "fort_type"},
            "armory": {"size": 3, "type": "level_3bit_type"},
            "docks": {"size": 3, "type": "level_3bit_type"},
            "town_hall": {"size": 3, "type": "level_3bit_type"},
            "schoolhouse": {"size": 3, "type": "level_3bit_type"},
            "warehouse": {"size": 1, "type": "bit_bool"},
            "unused05a": {"size": 1, "type": "bit_bool"},
            "stables": {"size": 1, "type": "bit_bool"},
            "custom_house": {"size": 1, "type": "bit_bool"},
            "printing_press": {"size": 2, "type": "level_2bit_type"},
            "weavers_house": {"size": 3, "type": "level_3bit_type"},
            "tobacconists_house": {"size": 3, "type": "level_3bit_type"},
            "rum_distillers_house": {"size": 3, "type": "level_3bit_type"},
            "capitol (unused)": {"size": 2, "type": "level_2bit_type"},
            "fur_traders_house": {"size": 3, "type": "level_3bit_type"},
            "carpenters_shop": {"size": 2, "type": "level_2bit_type"},
            "church": {"size": 2, "type": "level_2bit_type"},
            "blacksmiths_house": {"size": 3, "type": "level_3bit_type"},
            "unused05b": {"size": 6}          

    will be parsed as:

    "buildings": {
        "fortification": "none",
        "armory": "0",
        "docks": "0",
        "town_hall": "1",
        "schoolhouse": "0",
        "warehouse": true,
        "unused05a": false,
        "stables": false,
        "custom_house": false,
        "printing_press": "0",
        "weavers_house": "1",
        "tobacconists_house": "1",
        "rum_distillers_house": "1",
        "capitol (unused)": "0",
        "fur_traders_house": "1",
        "carpenters_shop": "1",
        "church": "0",
        "blacksmiths_house": "1",
        "unused05b": "000000"

    Bit-structured fields allow use of count/cols entries, but not size (it will be computed manually) or type. All size values of bit-structure's sub records will be interpreted as bits.