- dotnet 3.1.201
- chocolatey OR brew
- Helm 3
choco install kubernetes-helm
ORbrew install helm
(only if you do k8s up and running) - Skaffold
choco install skaffold
ORbrew install skaffold
(only if you do k8s up and running) - Docker (with Kubernetes available, enable through docker preferences or settings)
You can either do K8s OR docker compose, see the bottom of the readme for docker compose
$ helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/
$ kubectl create ns ingress
$ helm upgrade --atomic --install nginx-ingress-dev stable/nginx-ingress --namespace ingress --set controller.ingressClass=dev
$ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
$ kubectl create ns mongo
$ kubectl create ns redis
# the notes from the outputs hold the service names to connect to them
$ helm install mongo-dev bitnami/mongodb --set usePassword=false --namespace mongo
$ helm install redis-dev bitnami/redis --set usePassword=false --namespace redis
$ kubectl create ns foto
# all of the above are one time only
# this builds and deploys - run from root of repo
$ skaffold run
# this removes deployments (cleanup) - run from root of repo
$ skaffold delete
# if you want dev, realtime updates of containers etc
# ctrl-c this process will cleanup!
$ skaffold run
To view the UI, you should either be able to:
Goto: http://ui.foto.local
OR you'll have to update your hosts file
Elevated cmd / powershell
$ notepad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
you really shouldn't have to on mac using chrome, it usally just works
$ sudo vim /etc/hosts
Add the line ui.foto.local
Override the configuration through environment variables
Name | Value | Description |
MongoHost | mongodb://mongo | Used to set the mongo database path |
RedisHost | localhost | Used to set the redis cache path |
> $env:MongoHost = 'whatever'
> $env:RedisHost = 'whatever'
$ export MongoHost=whatever
$ export RedistHost=whatever
See documentation
At root of repo
# -d runs detached mode so it doesn't hog your console output or die when ctrl-c
$ docker-compose up -d
# add --build if you make any changes and want them to appear on the next up.
# for cleanup
$ docker-compose down
Access the ui via http://locahost:8080
- First load the UI up,
- Make sure the network tab is open
- Drag a photo onto the Box, click Upload
- Look in the network tab for
request, click it and click the response tab, you should see a response like below:
"id": "5ebc69794c9238000187c33b",
"fileName": "DSC_0290.JPG",
"gridFsId": "5ebc69794c9238000187c338",
"contentType": "image/jpeg",
"contentDisposition": "form-data; name=\"input0\"; filename=\"DSC_0290.JPG\""
The id
field means it has been saved into mongo! The gridfsId
means the photo was saved into mongo gridFs