Pinned issues
- 1
Cannot convert
#777 opened by Call-me-ismael - 12
Cannot remove DRM
#773 opened by GLachniet - 8
- 3
ADE Decryption error with ADE-generated key
#761 opened by dsp2996 - 17
Can't DeDRM a Kindle Ebook
#767 opened by rbpeirce - 3
can not install 10.09
#771 opened by medmundi - 1
DMR not removed
#770 opened by MargoMartinez - 7
- 9
- 7
Kindle DRM Not Removing
#748 opened by MillietheHuman - 2
DEDrm 10.0.3 (and 9) are invalid "It does not contain a file"
#766 opened by Musrar - 5
Import from Kobo KDA garbled.
#765 opened by Kelerion-UK - 16
- 11
Posting log - can't figure out problem - Kindle DRM
#753 opened by shellig - 17
action based on Amazon's coming change
#760 opened by Dazed-Confuzedd - 2
DRM not removed from KFX file?
#762 opened by shenaniganna - 0
Obok cannot import Kobo book from Desktop client
#763 opened by kinggrowler - 2
Unable to decrypt.
#755 opened by Sparks1893 - 6
Can't remove DRM
#758 opened by BostonPeng - 7
- 11
DeDRM failed to convert 2 books to EPUB
#743 opened by MegMM - 2
Another deDRM not working
#757 opened by Mervin14 - 3
Unable to Decrypt and Convert Book: Encryption Still Present Despite Correct Setup
#754 opened by joaosuperb1 - 7
De-DRM Not Working
#734 opened by kguttenberg - 1
kind;e drm not removing
#752 opened by mckennabristol - 1
10.0.9 not finding key w/ files from K4PC 2.4
#749 opened by drscotthawley - 2
DRM removal failed
#747 opened by 64BitUniverse - 6
DeDRM not working
#746 opened by daviddas - 2
No file Plugin failed
#745 opened by PrivacyCDN - 2
Kobo drm not removing
#744 opened by mightyflub - 4
DE-DRM fails to open file
#738 opened by delranm - 5
Failed to decrypt KFX DRM voucher with any key
#739 opened by tailwheel - 1
DeDRM worked on a couple of books, then stopped
#742 opened by Txwinters - 1
Kindle DRM not removed
#740 opened by drmshanks - 17
Can't add to Calibre
#727 opened by maggieloveshopey - 4
Plugin not removing DRM on import
#737 opened by P-Claus - 3
PDF file with DRM cannot be decrypted.
#736 opened by mrxpixel - 1
De DRM not working
#735 opened by lexreads07 - 1
Deleted by autor
#731 opened by Stormtossed - 1
deDRM not working
#733 opened by mckennabristol - 0
How to deal with "No key found"?
#732 opened by ThermoMan - 1
DRM is not getting removed
#730 opened by Jules-Rapunzel - 11
DRM not removed.
#725 opened by CalicoPantsDotCom - 2
DRM not Removed
#728 opened by dbarronoss - 0
- 1
Get error when trying to open plugin settings
#723 opened by virtualcrane - 1
DRM Not removed
#722 opened by OsvaldoRosso - 3
Unable to de Drm amazon book
#721 opened by Sj-Scarlett - 2
DRM removal issue
#720 opened by jahcast - 3
De DRM failed
#718 opened by Kpisanko