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From Posterior Sampling to Meaningful Diversity in Image Restoration [ICLR 2024]

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Table of Contents


python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

For running the baseline methods you should also install faiss.

Usage Example - Guided Meaningful Diversity

We apply guidance on RePaint, DDRM, DDNM and DPS. We therefore add their code with our guidance implemented in it.
To run using this code, you need to supply the models the relevant checkpoint. For fair comparison we use the same checkpoints for all models where applicable, that can be downloaded here:

Place the downloaded checkpoint in the checkpoints folder, under the names, celeba_hq.ckpt and, respectively. The folder path can be changed either by updating the config yaml (RePaint, DPS) or by setting a different --checkpoints_folder (DDNM, DDRM). Then, each method uses it's own running configurations.
In all methods, for the guidance add:

--guidance_dist <guidance_D_val> --guidance_eta <guidance_eta_val>

to set the guidance parameters, $\eta$ and $D$. Running without --guidance_dist, --guidance_eta will lead to vanilla posterior sampling.
The size of the sampled set, $N$, is determined using --parallel_batch in all methods, and is set to 5 as the default.


Original repo: by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

In diverse_models/RePaint-guided/configs we include two possible yaml files, for CelebA and ImageNet.

cd diverse_models/RePaint-guided
python --conf_path <config_yaml>
  • The noise amount is deterimned in noise.sigma in the yaml file.
  • The ground truth images path is set in data.eval.inpainting_config.gt_path in the yaml file.
  • The masks images path is set in data.eval.inpainting_config.mask_path in the yaml file.
  • The output directory paths are set under data.eval.inpainting_config.paths in the yaml file.


Original repo:

In diverse_models/DDRM-guided/configs we include two possible yaml files, for CelebA and ImageNet.

cd diverse_models/DDRM-guided
python --config <domain_config_yaml> --timesteps 20 --deg sr_bicubic16 -i <out_dir_path>  --sigma_0 <noise_level> --path_y <path_to_gt_images>
  • Set --sigma_0 to control noisy vs. noiseless super-resolution.
  • The number in --deg controls the degradation factor


Original repo:

In diverse_models/DDNM-guided/configs we include two possible yaml files, for CelebA and ImageNet.

Super resolution

cd diverse_models/DDNM-guided
python --config <diffusion_config_yaml> --deg sr_bicubic --deg_scale <deg_scale> --path_y <path_to_gt_images> -i <out_dir_path> --parallel_batch <N>
  • Add --sigma_y <noise_level> --add_noise for noisy super-resolution.
  • --deg_scale controls the degradation factor

Image Inpainting

cd diverse_models/DDNM-guided
python --ni --config <diffusion_config_yaml> --deg inpainting --path_y <path_to_gt_images> --path_masks <path_to_mask_images> -i <out_dir_path> --parallel_batch <N>


Original repo:

In diverse_models/DPS-guided/configs we include six possible yaml configurations, for CelebA and ImageNet, on inpainting and super-resolution (both noisy and noiseless).

cd diverse_models/DPS-guided
python --model_config <model_config_yaml> --diffusion_config <diffusion_config_yaml> --task_config <task_config_yaml> --save_dir <out_dir_path>
  • The noise amount is deterimned under noise.sigma in the yaml file.
  • The ground truth images path is set in data.root in the yaml file.
  • The masks images path is set in measurement.mask_opt.mask_path in the yaml file.

Usage Example - Baseline Methods

1. Generate Images

First generate $\tilde{N}$ samples from your favorite vanilla posterior sampler. Place them in the following structure (this is the convention of all posterior samplers here in the repo):

├── ImageName
|   └── images
|   |	├── 0_ImageName.jpg
|   |	├── 1_ImageName.jpg
|   |   |   ...
|   |	└── N-1_ImageName.jpg
└── Other data files

2. Extract features

For the faces domain, or for running K-means on ImageNet, extract features using

cd BaselineApproaches
python --im_dir <path to ImageName folder> --domain <faces|inet> 
  • To use on image inpainting, add --inpainting and provide --mask_path.

For running ImageNet with FPS or Uniformizaition, extract features using

cd BaselineApproaches
python --im_dir <path to ImageName folder> --domain <faces|inet> 

3. Sub-sample using a baseline approach

After features were extracted, run to sub-sample.

cd BaselineApproaches
python --approach <approach_name> --im_dir <ImageName> --domain <faces|inet> --feature_type <patch|deep_features> --
  • --approach can take one of the three explored baselines, kmeans for K-Means, unif for Uniformization, or fps for FPS.
  • --feature_type can be either patch for using the restored pixels in the mask region of the image or deep_features for using the features extracted in step B.
  • To use on image inpainting, add --inpainting.


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={From Posterior Sampling to Meaningful Diversity in Image Restoration},
  author={Noa Cohen and Hila Manor and Yuval Bahat and Tomer Michaeli},
  booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},