
STAtic site Generator ... using python-markdown and django templates.

Primary LanguagePython

  • stag

STAtic site Generator.

  • about stag

stag is a static site generator written in python3. stag is good for those late-night blogging sessions. It won't fill you up and finishes smooth, with a light html5 palate and faint markdown notes.

Tired of solutions with soggy feature sets and bitter-tasting documentation? The only file you need to read to get going with stag is lib/config.py

Stag is easy on your wallet, as any static site generator should be. Stag is for people who like markdown, pygments, and the django standard library.

So grab a six pack of stag. Golden blogging quality since 2012.

  • dependencies
  • usage

stag is intended to be really simple to use:

⚡ ./stag
init - initialize a new site
post <post title> - edit new or existing post
deploy - deploy the site
ls - list posts
gen - generate the 'compiled' site

Also, stag is designed to be very simple -- it weighs in at a measly ~300 SLOC!

  • post metadata


Somewhat incredibly, python does not support YAML natively. This means there are several bad and worse options to choose from for supporting human-readable metadata; namely, JSON (native, but not as readable as yaml), python dicts (too clunky), configparser (yuck), shlex (are you fscking kidding me?)...

Faced with the aforementioned ugg, I considered using py-yaml ... this would allow me to keep stag super flexible and de-coupled, with the possibility of later adding something like reStructuredText, textile, textify, yotextmomma, or whatever flavor-of-the-month markup language comes next.

After learning that [python-markdown][http://freewisdom.org/projects/python-markdown/Meta-Data] has a very flexible markdown metadata extension (surprise, it looks just like yaml!), which also includes pygments integration, I said fsck it, and doubled-down on really learning markdown. You should too!