
This is a mirror from libtrainsim to run github actions ci

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

libtrainsim {#mainpage}

This repository contains several components that are useful if you want to simulate a driving train.

To build this repository you need to install meson and a c++ compiler toolchain with support for C++17 (at least gcc-9.2.0 or clang-9).

The documentation is generated using doxygen an should be published to the wiki and gitlab pages on every commit. German translations are coming soon feel free to contribute to them.

Please note that the windows build might not work at the moment. This is not a problem with the code but with microsofts terrible dependency management.

To see a basic reference implementation look at this repository. It uses all parts of libtrainsim to create a functional train simulator with just a small codebase.

The main branch always contains the latest working code, while the stable branch contains the state of the last release. If you want to have the most recent version without needing to worry about possible build problems use the stable branch. Pull request should always be targeted at the main branch. Before version 1.0.0 the API is subject to changes that break compatibility. Make sure to keep your application up to date to prevent it from breaking


If you want to contribute please look at the issues first to find out what is being worked on at the moment. You can fork the code and open a pull request with your changes. Please note that all new functions need unit tests and at least English documentation to be accepted. You can still open the pull request to ask for help and get more information on what is missing.

All of the issues and pull requests need to be written in English or they will be automatically rejected! All new classes, functions and variables should be English words or abbreviations otherwise they will not be merged.

If you find a vulnerability please open a new issue and mark it as confidential. This way the vulnerability is not public until a fix is found (which has priority over other work). Please report which versions are affected by it and which version you tested, to allow easy backporting of the fix. Before release 1.0.0 only the latest version will recieve updpates, so make sure you are on the latest version.


The library consits of several components. Except for the Core component each individual component can be disabled and replaced by custom components to suit your needs.


The core is what always needs to be built in oreder for the other components to work. libtrainsim::core contains classes needed to load information about tracks and trains. Look [here](@ref json_formats) for details on the formatting of the json files.


The Video component handles video files and can be used for simple playback. It is based on sdl2 for window management/inputs and ffmpeg for the video decode. The opencv and glfw backends are disabled by default since they will be removed in version 0.11.0 The setup-scripts automatically install all of the needed dependencies.


The control component manages input from various sources and gives an easy interface to handle them. If you have hardware controls connected via the serial interface they will be used by default


The physics component handles basic physics calculations. It only needs libtrainsim::core to work. The current speed and accelleration are calculated based on a given speed axis which defines how much of the maximum power should be used.