
Python code for calculating a metric of lexical neighborhood density, with some Hebrew word lists and Hebrew lexicons

Primary LanguagePython

Lexical Neighborhood Density for Hebrew words

A small, simple project for calculating the OLD20 metric of lexical neighborhood density described by Yarkoni, Balota, & Yap (2008) for a set of Hebrew word lists from Smith, Walters, & Prior (2019) and two Hebrew lexicons (base and surface) from MILA.

The word lists are in the files concrete.csv, fillers.csv, and nonwords.csv, and the lexicons are in base_lexicon.csv and surface_lexicon.csv.

The code itself is very simple, so I took the opportunity writing it to improve my coding practices and actively counteract some bad habits I developed as an academic/scientific programmer. Specifically, I wrote this code using test-driven development, I was careful to write docstrings for all of the functions, and I (inadvertently) got myself into some git rabbitholes and then (purposefully) got myself back out.