
Small project for rebalancing an investment portfolio by allocating funds to realize specified targets

Primary LanguagePython


Small script for rebalancing an investment portfolio by allocating funds to realize specified targets

Example Usage

Rebalance the portfolio summarized by example_funds.csv by adding $1000:

>> python3 rebalance.py example_portfolio.csv 1000
Current allocation vs Targets...
             Current_Allocation  Target_Allocation  Difference
InvestmentA               45.45               50.0       -4.55
InvestmentB               18.18               20.0       -1.82
InvestmentC               36.36               30.0        6.36

Dollars to add to reach target allocation...
             Dollars_to_Add  Allocation  Target_Allocation  Difference
InvestmentA           525.0        52.5               50.0         2.5
InvestmentB           210.0        21.0               20.0         1.0
InvestmentC           265.0        26.5               30.0        -3.5

If the dollar amount to be added is not enough for an additive (positive) contribution to each fund, no contribution is possible:

>> python3 rebalance.py example_portfolio.csv 100
Must add more money for strictly additive rebalance

Negative contributions can be computed by passing the --allow_negative flag:

>> python3 rebalance.py --allow_negative example_portfolio.csv 100
Current allocation vs Targets...
             Current_Allocation  Target_Allocation  Difference
InvestmentA               45.45               50.0       -4.55
InvestmentB               18.18               20.0       -1.82
InvestmentC               36.36               30.0        6.36

Dollars to add to reach target allocation...
             Dollars_to_Add  Allocation  Target_Allocation  Difference
InvestmentA            75.0        75.0               50.0        25.0
InvestmentB            30.0        30.0               20.0        10.0
InvestmentC            -5.0        -5.0               30.0       -35.0