
A minimal carousel builder. We'll do the carousel bit, you do the rest.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🎠 El Carousel 🎠

A simple carousel that just does the carousel stuff.

  • Written in vanilla TypeScript with zero dependencies
  • Compatable with ES5+
  • Lightweight
  • Configurable
  • 2kb gzipped

Getting Started

Use the Carousel Controller to turn any element of slides into a basic carousel. Style and modify what you want from there!

You can add your own controls with dots, buttons, or whatever you like!

// A carousel that automatically slides every 2s
const el = document.getElementById('carousel')
const controller = new CarouselController({
    container: el,
    perPage: 3,
    timingDuration: 200,

setInterval(() => controller.changeBy(1), 2000)
.carousel {
    position: relative;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

    .carousel-slide {
        position: absolute;
        transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;

        &.in {
            opacity: 1;
        &.out {
            opacity: 0;

    &:not(.transitioning):not(.dragging) .carousel-slide.out {
        display: none;


  • Slides: The original children of the carousel
  • Frames: The copies of the slides which the carousel moves around


container — HTML Element

The element to be turned into a carousel. It's children will be used as slides to create the frames of the carousel.

frame = 0 — number

Which frame is to be displayed first

perPage = 1 — number

The amount of frames to have .in at a time

draggable = true — boolean

Whether the user can use their mouse or touchscreen to move and change the slides

loop = true — boolean

Whether the carousel can repeat itself indefinitely. Setting this to false will limit frame to be within [0, slides.length)

timingDuration = 200 — number

The amount of milliseconds that it will take for the slides to transition, as well as the delay until exiting frames are removed.

dragThreshold = 100 — number

The amount of px that the user must drag before the carousel is allowed to move frames


changeBy(amount: number = 1): void

Moves the frames of the carousel by the given amount.

  • amount > 0: Move frames to the right
  • amount < 0: Move frames to the left

slideTo(frame: number): void

Moves the frames so that the given frame is the first in the carousel

currentSlide(frame?: number)

Returns the index of the slide which the given frame represents.

If no frame is given, it returns the first .in frame of the carousel

destroy(): void

Returns the carousel to the container's original state

Thanks to

This module is mostly based off Siema, which is no longer maintained due to Carousels being an anti-pattern.


  • Carousels perform poorly in click-through-rates and marketing
  • Automatic carousels may frustrate and be ignored by users
  • Carousels negatively affect accessibility

However, carousels are still widely used to display the content the user visits a site for, and are often used when there is precedent for a carousel to benefit the user.

El Carousel aims to provide you with the ability to make a carousel with as little, or as much of a footprint as you want.