Simple Blogging Platform


This project is a simple blogging platform developed using Angular, incorporating CRUD functionality for blog posts, a list and single post view, search functionality, API integration, state management, basic styling, and deployment. Additionally, Angular Universal is implemented for server-side rendering (SSR).

Table of Contents:

  1. Project Structure
  2. Setup Instructions
  3. Features
  4. User Authentication
  5. Deployment

Project Structure:

The project follows a standard Angular project structure:

`- src/

  • app/
  • components/
  • services/
  • server/
  • pages/
  • ...
  • assets/
  • ...
  • angular.json
  • tsconfig.json
  • package.json
  • ...`

Setup Instructions:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone [repository-url]
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Run the development server: npm start or ng serve


CRUD Functionality for Blog Posts:

  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete:
    • Blog posts can be created, read, updated, and deleted through corresponding UI elements.
  • Post Structure:
    • Each post includes a title, content, and created/updated timestamp.
  • Text Editor:

List and Single Post View:

  • Homepage:
    • Lists all blog posts with pagination.
  • Single Post View:
    • Displays the full content of a selected post.

Search Functionality:

  • Search by Title:
    • Users can search for posts by title.

API Integration:

State Management:

  • User Service: - Data fetching, caching, and state management are handled using a user service. - The user service stores and manages the application's state related to user data.
  • Transfer State for Server-Side Rendering (SSR): - Utilizes Angular Universal's TransferState to handle server-side rendering. - The TransferState module helps in transferring state from the server to the client, improving performance and user experience.

Basic Styling:

  • Clean and Responsive UI:
    • The UI is designed to be clean, responsive, and provides a good user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

SSR with Angular Universal:

  • Development SSR:
    • Run the SSR server in development mode: npm run dev:ssr
  • Build SSR:
    • Build the SSR application: npm run build:ssr
  • Serve SSR:
    • Serve the SSR application: npm run serve:ssr

User Authentication:

  • Create and Login User:
    • Users need to create an account or log in before creating or editing a blog post.


  • Service:
    • The website is deployed on Vercel.

Bonus Features:

  • Comments Functionality:
    • Users can comment on posts(coming soon😝).
  • Likes Functionality:
    • Users can like a post(coming soon😝).


  • All features, including CRUD operations, pagination, search, and API integration, should work as expected.


  • The UI is responsive and provides a good user experience on both desktop and mobile.


  • Code is well-commented, and this README provides setup instructions and an overview of the project.


This Angular-based blogging platform successfully implements the required features, adheres to best practices, provides a seamless user experience with SSR, and includes user authentication for secure blog post management. The deployment ensures accessibility for users