
An introduction to Github for Siena's SCDV 490: Group Projects in Data Science course

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


An introduction to Github for Siena's SCDV 490: Group Projects in Data Science course

This exercise should be done in guidance with the instructor

First activity

Clone the repo

From your git command line,

git clone https://github.com/mattbellis/SCDV-490-Github-intro-S23.git

Make some edits

Fire up a jupyter-notebook environment in this new SCDV-490-Github-intro-S23 directory.

Open up test_demo_tools_A.ipynb and go through the exercise. Make sure you read everything carefully.

Push your changes...psyche!

Just kidding...you can't push your changes because

  • You are not the owner of this repository
  • You are not a collaborator
  • You did not fork the repository

Let's try this again, but we will fork the repository.

Second activity

Fork the repo

Fork this repository, following the more general instructions given here


Make sure you sync the fork with the upstream repository

Delect the previous directory that you cloned, SCDV-490-Github-intro-S23.

Then clone your fork from your Github page for the fork.

Make some edits

Edit the names.py file and fix yours (and only yours!) information.

Push the changes

Commit and push your changes

git commit -m "YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE HERE" name.py
git push

Make a pull request for me (the original author) by following the instructions here


Get the changes

Fetch the upstream changes (once the instructor has approved all the pull requests) by following the information here for the command line


Third activity

Create a new text file from the jupyter dashboard. Name it YOURLASTNAME.txt and put some text in it about how you think the class is going (*remember...this text will be visible to your peers and the world!).

Add this file to the repo, otherwise it won't get pushed to github. Then commit your changes and push.

git add YOURLASTNAME.txt
git push

Make a pull request for your new file

Fourth activity

Break up into pairs. Each of you should

  • Create a new repo
  • Add a couple of files in there
  • Share the name of the repo with your partner
  • Each of you should
    • Fork your partners repo
    • Make some edits to their file
    • Make a pull request for them