Pinned Repositories
This web application is built using Python Scrapy, Node.js, MongoDB, and Bootstrap. A PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) profile number is inputted into the text bar on the nav, and the 1000 and above rated rounds for that player are scraped from*pdga number*/details and displayed on the page.
This program uses AI algorithms to clean up the dirt in a 4x5 grid in an efficient way using a vacuum agent.
This is a program created in an AI programming class which performs the Minimax algorithm on a 5x6 Tic-Tac-Toe game between two players performing optimally. Player 1 searches 2 levels down the tree while player 2 searches 4 levels down, and a heuristic function is used to decide moves. This project was worked on by myself and two other groupmates.
This is a sudoku solver by doing backtracking search with forward checking using an MRV and degree heuristic. This was worked on in a group of myself and two other members.
This is an MVC web application created using Angular for the frontend and Firebase to store the data. Each city contains businesses, and each business contains reviews. When a new review is created, it is added to a current city/business if they exist, otherwise a new business and/or a new city will be created to hold the review.
Chess Program: created using C#, provides both single and multiplayer modes, shows the user the available moves when a piece is selected, traditional chess rules are enabled, game is saved when the application closes
This is my group's final project for CS4830 Advanced Web Development. It is essentially a web application for sharing pieces of code. We created the application using Java Spring (backend) and Angular (frontend).
This program takes an input and outputs a list of similarly spelled words based on edit distance using the Dynamic Edit Distance algorithm.
Personal portfolio site, this has not been updated in awhile :)
Version of the popular arcade game "Snake" using what I learned in CS3330 Object-Oriented Programming in the fall of 2020. Lots of extra functionality in addition to using MVC architecture. Please note that I did not use any online resources or code related to an already made version of the game; any sources I did utilize are cited in the code.
noahfree's Repositories
This program uses AI algorithms to clean up the dirt in a 4x5 grid in an efficient way using a vacuum agent.
This web application is built using Python Scrapy, Node.js, MongoDB, and Bootstrap. A PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) profile number is inputted into the text bar on the nav, and the 1000 and above rated rounds for that player are scraped from*pdga number*/details and displayed on the page.
This is a program created in an AI programming class which performs the Minimax algorithm on a 5x6 Tic-Tac-Toe game between two players performing optimally. Player 1 searches 2 levels down the tree while player 2 searches 4 levels down, and a heuristic function is used to decide moves. This project was worked on by myself and two other groupmates.
This is a sudoku solver by doing backtracking search with forward checking using an MRV and degree heuristic. This was worked on in a group of myself and two other members.
This is an MVC web application created using Angular for the frontend and Firebase to store the data. Each city contains businesses, and each business contains reviews. When a new review is created, it is added to a current city/business if they exist, otherwise a new business and/or a new city will be created to hold the review.
Chess Program: created using C#, provides both single and multiplayer modes, shows the user the available moves when a piece is selected, traditional chess rules are enabled, game is saved when the application closes
This is my group's final project for CS4830 Advanced Web Development. It is essentially a web application for sharing pieces of code. We created the application using Java Spring (backend) and Angular (frontend).
This program takes an input and outputs a list of similarly spelled words based on edit distance using the Dynamic Edit Distance algorithm.
Personal portfolio site, this has not been updated in awhile :)
Version of the popular arcade game "Snake" using what I learned in CS3330 Object-Oriented Programming in the fall of 2020. Lots of extra functionality in addition to using MVC architecture. Please note that I did not use any online resources or code related to an already made version of the game; any sources I did utilize are cited in the code.
As the web-editor for the University of Missouri Economics Department, I have been able to work on a few faculty members' personal websites, one of which is presented here. Note that the previous web-editor started this & essentially created the page layout, while I finished it by adding content in addition to further styling & functionality.
As the web-editor for the University of Missouri Economics Department, I have been able to work on a few faculty members' personal websites, one of which is presented here. Note that the previous web-editor started this & essentially created the page layout, while I finished it by adding content in addition to further styling & functionality.
This is a angular notes application created by following this tutorial: The notes are not saved; this was my first experience with Angular and helped me get familiar with the framework.
This program creates a heap based on the input, and then performs the commands also specified in the input file, all while maintaining the max-heap property. Please see "input.txt" for an example input & "program.c" for details about the program.
This C# program searches the U.S. Constitution for user inputted words using a version of the Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm.
This is a basic application created used ASP.NET and Firebase. You can either create a new user or login with the default username = "newUser" and password = "userPassword". At the moment, all this application does is allow the user to login, take a multiplication test, and see their results as well as their overall best score.
This is a website for the University of Missouri's disc golf team/club. As a member of the organization, & considering we have yet to have a website, I thought this would be a good project to both showcase my web-development skills as well as create something useful.
This is a website created for an assignment in one of my classes at Mizzou. It uses a NASA API & AJAX requests to display content based on the Sol & Camera selected by the user. Please note that this webpage is not yet mobile-friendly; the purpose of the application is to demonstrate skills related to AJAX & using an API.
Essentially, this program takes an inputted password from the user and outputs whether or not it is a good password based on the requirements specified in
This is a portfolio website I created myself using skills learned from CS2830 at Mizzou as well as independent learning through online resources. I plan on continually updating this site to make it look more appealing, behave better, and always contain up-to-date information. Thank you for checking it out!
This is basically a console book database which allows the user to store information about several books and then query and update the stored books.
This is a parser for parsing a simplified version of Python. This was a school project worked on collaboratively by myself and three others.
This is a command line chatroom application with allows multiple users to communicate with each other through the allowed commands. This is created using the Socket API.
This program creates a suffix array on the U.S. Constitution and uses it to tell the user how many times a given word appears in the document.
This C# program searches the U.S. Constitution for user inputted words using the Rabin-Karp Algorithm.
This C program finds & outputs the strongly connected components of a directed, connected graph. See "DirectedConnectedGraph.txt" for an example input.
This C# program helps you solve the popular game "Wordle" by taking user input to shorten a list of 5-letter words and display the results.