A basic, dependency-less GOAP planner in TypeScript based on Malwoden's AStar implementation.
The only notable implementation detail is support for "rules" that automatically modify action costs based on a static preference set.
Example: Bob is hungry, tired and wants to go to bed. Bob could walk to the store and buy food or order pizza. Ordering pizza will take more time, but won't require him to go outside. Even if Bob dislikes going outside, he'll walk to the store if it's significantly faster than waiting for pizza. But if Bob hates going outside, he'll wait for the pizza no matter how long it takes.
Rules are primarily useful to differentiate actors without having to manually adjust action costs.
import { Planner, TRUTHY, NEUTRAL, FALSY, FALSE } from 'goaptils';
import { actions } from './wherever';
// stored in JSON, for example. Conditions range from -2/+2.
const ai = {
coward: { IN_DANGER: FALSE },
normal: { IN_DANGER: FALSY },
brave: { IN_DANGER: NEUTRAL },
suicidal: { IN_DANGER: TRUTHY }
// will never put self in danger
const plannerA = new Planner(actions, ai.coward);
// will avoid putting self in danger
const plannerB = new Planner(actions, ai.normal);
// will not avoid putting self in danger
const plannerC = new Planner(actions, ai.brave);
// will prefer dangerous actions
const plannerD = new Planner(actions, ai.suicidal);