
Plugin toolkit for RMMV.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Plugsy is a plugin framework and utility belt for RPGMaker MV. It automates and simplifies many common patterns in MV plugin development — notetags, method shimming, plugin commands, variable serialization, data loading and event handling.


Plugin commands

import Plugsy, { command, persist } from 'plugsy';

class MyPlugin extends Plugsy {
  // command can be used to decorate methods as valid plugin commands.
  // invoke in plugin command as `my_plugin hello`
  @command('Says hello!')
  public hello(name: string) {
    console.info(`Hello, ${name}!`);

  // description is not strictly required
  public message(message: string) {

  // commands can also wrap arrow/anonymous functions for environments
  // without decorators
  public goodbye = command((name: string) => {
    console.info(`Goodbye, ${name}`);
  }, 'Says goodbye!');



import Plugsy, { command, persist } from 'plugsy';

class MyPlugin extends Plugsy {
  // serializable `persist`ed properties are automatically saved to and loaded
  // from save files
  public myVariable = 42;

  // commands and persisted variables can also be used in environments
  // without decorators
  public myOtherVariable = persist('YOU ARE TEARING ME APART LISA');


On save and load, any changes to persisted variables will be serialized and deserialized to and from save files and hydrated automagically on load.

Adding new plugin commands is as easy as adding methods with the command decorator.

Redef / Dedef

redef and dedef are simple utility functions. redef allows you to easily augment existing functionality by providing an object of methods that will be merged onto the first argument. This allows you to safely "overwrite" object methods and prototypes without threatening existing code. dedef, given a handle returned by redef, reverses the operation.

import { redef, dedef } from 'plugsy';

class MyObject {
  public myMethod(...args) {
    console.info(myProp, args);

const handle = redef(myObject.prototype, {
  myMethod: (
    myObjectInstance: MyObject, // object instance
    myMethod: Function, // original, bound method
    ...args: any[] // any args passed to original fn
  ) => {
    let res = myMethod(...args); // invoke original
    // do stuff!

dedef(myObject.prototype, handle); // revert shimmed methods


Notetags are also automatically parsed and put into the $plugsy namespace. They can be referenced by accessing the relevant property of the namespace's notetags property and extracting the appropriate record by its containing variable and record ID.

const actorOneNotetags = $plugsy.notetags.$dataActors[1];

Tags should follow standard HTML syntax. Attributes without a property default to true. Kebab-cased attributes are transformed to camelCase.

<MyTag />
<MyTag foo />
<MyTag foo="bar" />

<MyTag foo></MyTag>
<MyTag foo="bar"></MyTag>

<MyTag foo>contents</MyTag>
<MyTag foo="bar">contents</MyTag>

Alternatively, one can manually extract notetags (from custom data sources, generally) with the tagger export.

import { tagger } from 'plugsy';

const tags = await tagger(`
  <MyTag has="props" foo />
  <MyOtherTag>has contents</MyOtherTag>

 * {
 *   MyTag: {
 *     has: "props",
 *     foo: true
 *   },
 *   MyOtherTag: {
 *     contents: "has contents"
 *   }
 * }


Files in the 'data' directory can be loaded via Promise using the loader export.

import { loader } from 'plugsy';

(async function main() {
  const actors = await loader('Actors');
  const dlg = await loader('Dialogue');

Event bus

The global Plugsy manager, $plugsy, also functions as a rudimentary event bus, allowing you to dispatch and respond to events within your plugins.

import Plugsy, { on } from 'plugsy';

class MyPlugin extends Plugsy {
  public log(message: string) {

$plugsy.dispatch('console', 'Hello, world!'); // logs "Hello, world!"


You'll need node.js and npm installed in order to build the plugin.

git clone git@github.com:noahlange/plugsy.git
cd plugsy
npm install
npm run build

Then copy plugsy.js to the plugins directory of your project and enable it normally.