
Get an email when slack users in your workspace are deactivated

Primary LanguagePython


Get an email when slack users in your workspace are deactivated.


pipenv install

Command line parameters

SLACK_API_TOKEN: Login at https://app.slack.com and inspect the API calls to get this value.

SLACK_D_COOKIE: Login at https://app.slack.com and copy the value of your the d cookie.

SENDGRID_API_KEY: Register at https://www.sendgrid.com

FROM_EMAIL: name@domain.com

TO_EMAIL: name@domain.com


SLACK_API_TOKEN=x SLACK_D_COOKIE=y SENDGRID_API_KEY=z FROM_EMAIL=name@domain.com TO_EMAIL=name@domain.com pipenv run python3 deactivated-slack-users.py