This repository only contains .tibasic Source Code Files instead of your typical compiled .8xp files from your TI Calculator. I have made this decision to have the freedom to edit my ti basic programs in any text editor. In my eyes, using the proprietary, official TI Connect CE editor is just a big pain. And don't even talk about programming directly on your TI-84.
In short, using Source Code Files makes editing and sharing easier and better.
I have made my own compiler called tibasicc so I can have the ability to use comments in my .tibasic files. It is very easy to install, just follow the instructions in the Readme. You can run the compiler on the command line like this:
tibasicc [options] filename
To fully programm and connect your TI Calculator only using GNU/Linux, you can use a programm called TILP ('Tilp Is a Linking Program') to transfer your compiled .8xp files to your TI Calculator. On Arch Linux, there is an AUR Package available (simply called tilp
For further informations and a list of features consider visiting their Project Website.
To get some nice and easy syntax highlighting you can use the command set syntax=python
. You can even set this behaviour as a default for all .tibasic files in your .vimrc:
" automatic python syntax highlighting for .tibasic files
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tibasic set filetype=python