
This is a coding kata done for SafeAuto

Primary LanguageJava


This is a coding kata done for SafeAuto This is a command line interface that takes in commands from the user and alters a text file based on the user command. Drivers and trips are added and removed from the text file and a final report can be ran when the user is done.


AddDriver [name] RemoveDriver [name] AddTrip [name],[Start Date],[End Date],[Miles Driven] (Dates written in this format = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm) RemoveTrip [id] Report


To start the application, in your terminal navigate to the folder with safeauto-coding-kata.jar, then type> java -jar ./safeauto-doing-kata.jar After this you will be greeted to the application and will be able to issue commands. When you are finished do the Report command to end the program.