
A small pizza shop API built entirely in Go that sits on AWS DynamoDB and is deployed through Heroku

Primary LanguageGo

ZaRnnr: pizza-api

A small pizza shop API built entirely in Go that sits on AWS DynamoDB and is deployed through Heroku

Project Structure

├── internal 
|    ├── valid
|    |   ├── accounts.go -- account create/update input validation
|    |   ├── misc.go     -- misc validation
|    |   └── orders.go   -- order create/update input validation
|    └── routes 
|        └── v1 -- Get all / Get one / Create / Update / Delete accounts/orders routes
|            ├── accounts.go 
|            └── orders.go  
├── pkg 
|    ├── client -- functions that facilitate calls to the accounts/orders routes
|    |   ├── accounts.go  
|    |   └── orders.go    
|    ├── helpers
|    |    └── http-helper.go -- facilitates an http request to the api for the client
|    └── types
|        ├── accounts.go -- account structure; account routes input/output types
|        ├── orders.go   -- order structure; order routes input/output types
|        └── subtypes.go -- misc types that are stored on accounts/orders
├── utils 
|   ├── db.go    -- database configuration
|   └── utils.go -- heartbeat route
└── vendor -- vendored dependencies

Internal vs Pkg

When desiging this api, I saw the possibility for two different types of clients: one built in Go and one built in any other language. To make life easy for someone working in Go to interact with this api, I made the pkg directory that they could simply import into their code and use to easily make calls to the api endpoints. For any other client, if they don't want to shell out to running a small Go app that uses pkg, they are free to hit the endpoints implemented in internal directly.

Accounts + Orders

There are two underlying objects that back this api: accounts and orders. Both objects have Address objects.

type Account struct {             type Order struct {
	Active      bool                  Active      bool
	Address     Address               AccountID   string   
	CreatedAt   int64   	          Address     Address
	Email       string                CreatedAt   int64    
	FirstName   string                Price       float64 
	LastName    string                Delivery    bool
	LastUpdated int64                 LastUpdated int64
	Orders      []string              Size        string
	Password    string                Status      Status  
	UUID        string                Toppings    Toppings
}                                         UUID        string

type Address struct {             type Toppings struct {
	ExtendedAddress string            Cheese   string   
	Locality        string            Sauce    string   
	PostalCode      string            Toppings []string 
	Region          string    }
	StreetAddress   string 


There are five routes for each object stucture: Get (all), Get (one), Create, Update, and Delete. Below are details on the routes and some examples of curl commands to test them. (I'm running on Windows, my Mac/Linux curls are untested, let me know if you find any mistakes!)

Account Routes

  • GET (Get all): takes no input at all; will return all active accounts

Mac/Linux/Windows: curl -X GET http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/account

  • GET (Get one): finds an account UUID in the url and will return one account if found for the id; will error if no account matches that id

Mac/Linux/Windows: curl -X GET http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/account/:uuid (I'd suggest getting all the accounts to find an id to use as an arg here)

  • POST (Create): looks for json input containing an Address object, an Email string, FirstName and LastName strings, and a Password string; all the fields are required
    • Address
      • StreetAddress must be alphanumeric and may contain spaces
      • ExtendedAddress may must alphanumeric, may contain spaces, and may also contain an octothorpe (#)
      • Locality and Region must be alphabetic and may contain spaces
      • PostalCode must only be numeric
    • Email must contain an @ symbol, have a valid format, be from a valid host, and exist at that host
    • FirstName and LastName must be alphabetic and may contain spaces
    • Password must be alphanumeric and may contain spaces (I'm a noob when it comes to security - that's a growth point from this project for sure)

Mac/Linux: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"Address": {"StreetAddress": "90 N Austin Ave", "ExtendedAddress": "#1E", "Locality": "Chicago", "Region": "IL", "PostalCode": "60607"}, "Email": "[YOUR EMAIL]", "FirstName": "Popa", "LastName": "John", "Password": "pizzatime" }' http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/account

Windows: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"Address\": {\"StreetAddress\": \"90 N Austin Ave\", \"ExtendedAddress\": \"#1E\", \"Locality\": \"Chicago\", \"Region\": \"IL\", \"PostalCode\": \"60607\"}, \"Email\": \"[YOUR EMAIL]\", \"FirstName\": \"Popa\", \"LastName\": \"John\", \"Password\": \"pizzatime\" }" http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/account

  • PUT (Update): finds an account UUID in the url and looks for json input that may contain a boolean Active, an updated Address, Email, FirstName and LastName, or Password; all the fields are optional; when updating an address, all Address fields must be populated (see above for validation details for these inputs); will error if no match is found for the given account id

Mac/Linux: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"Active": false, "Address": {"StreetAddress": "UPDATE", "ExtendedAddress": "UPDATE", "Locality": "UPDATE", "Region": "UPDATE", "PostalCode": "12345"}, "Email": "[YOUR NEW EMAIL]", "FirstName": "UPDATE", "LastName": "UPDATE", "Password": "UPDATE" }' http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/account/:uuid

Windows: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"Active\": false, \"Address\": {\"StreetAddress\": \"UPDATE\", \"ExtendedAddress\": \"UPDATE\", \"Locality\": \"UPDATE\", \"Region\": \"UPDATE\", \"PostalCode\": \"12345\"}, \"Email\": \"[YOUR NEW EMAIL]\", \"FirstName\": \"UPDATE\", \"LastName\": \"UPDATE\", \"Password\": \"UPDATE\" }" http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/account/:uuid

  • DELETE: finds an account UUID in the url and will delete one account if found and deletes any orders made by that account

Mac/Linux/Windows: curl -X DELETE http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/account/:uuid

Order Routes

  • GET (Get all): finds an account UUID in the url; json object with an Active field is optional; true will return all active orders, false will return inactive orders, nil (unspecified) will return all orders for the account; it will error with an invalid account UUID

Mac/Linux: curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "Active": true }' http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/:account/order

Windows: curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"Active\": true }" http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/:account/order

  • GET (Get one): finds for an account and order UUID in the url; will return the order if found, otherwise it will error

Mac/Linux/Windows: curl -X GET http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/:account/order/:uuid

  • POST (Create): looks for json input containing an Address object, an Delivery boolean, an order Size (string), and a Toppings object; Deliver, Size, and Toppings are required
    • Address is validated in the same way as laid out above and is not required. Delivery is required, when true and Address is nil, the order will be assigned the account's default address. When Delivery is false but Address is specified, the order address will not be assigned.
    • Size has 4 valid options: small, medium, large, and party ($8, $16, $32, and $48 respectively)
    • Toppings
      • Cheese has 3 valid options: cheddar, mozzarella, and parmesean ($3, $3, and $4)
      • Sauce has 3 valid options: tomato, white, and barbeque ($2, $2, and $3)
      • Toppings can be of any length and has 11 valid options: anchovies ($0.75), artichokes ($1.25), basil ($0.75), chicken ($1.75), ham ($1.25), kale ($0.75), olives ($0.50), onion ($0.50), pepperoni ($1.25), pineapple ($100), and tomato ($0.75)
    • After validation, the order will sum all of the prices together to populate it's Price field

Mac/Linux: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "Address": { "StreetAddress": "STREET", "ExtendedAddress": "EXTENDED", "Locality": "LOCALITY", "Region": "REGION", "PostalCode": "12345" }, "Delivery": true, "Size": "party", "Toppings": { "Cheese": "parmesan", "Sauce": "barbeque", "Toppings": ["ham", "kale", "pineapple"] } }' http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/:account/order

Windows: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"Address\": { \"StreetAddress\": \"STREET\", \"ExtendedAddress\": \"EXTENDED\", \"Locality\": \"LOCALITY\", \"Region\": \"REGION\", \"PostalCode\": \"12345\" }, \"Delivery\": true, \"Size\": \"party\", \"Toppings\": { \"Cheese\": \"parmesan\", \"Sauce\": \"barbeque\", \"Toppings\": [\"ham\", \"kale\", \"pineapple\"] } }" http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/:account/order

  • PUT (Update): finds an account UUID and order UUID in the url and looks for json input that may contain an Active boolean, an updated Address and Delivery boolean, an order Size (string), an order Status (string), or a Toppings object; all the fields are optional; when updating an address, all Address fields must be populated and Delivery must be true (see above for validation details for these inputs); validation for the other fields is as above; will error if no match is found for the given account id
    • Status has 7 valid inputs: Received, Assembly, Baking, Ready, PickedUp, EnRoute, and Delivered. This is more of an internal maintenance datum, it would be the pizza shop updating the Status as the pizza is being made. If the current Order status is not Received, then Size and Toppings cannot be updated. If the current Order status is PickedUp, EnRoute, or Delivered, then Delivery and Address cannot be updated
    • Order Price will be updated according to new inputs

Mac/Linux: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "Active": false, "Address": { "StreetAddress": "UPDATE", "ExtendedAddress": "UPDATE", "Locality": "UPDATE", "Region": "UPDATE", "PostalCode": "54321" }, "Delivery": true, "Size": "large", "Status": "Received", "Toppings": { "Cheese": "cheddar", "Sauce": "tomato", "Toppings": ["anchovies", "artichoke", "basil"] } }' http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/:account/order/:uuid

Windows: curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"Active\": false, \"Address\": { \"StreetAddress\": \"UPDATE\", \"ExtendedAddress\": \"UPDATE\", \"Locality\": \"UPDATE\", \"Region\": \"UPDATE\", \"PostalCode\": \"54321\" }, \"Delivery\": true, \"Size\": \"large\", \"Status\": \"Received\", \"Toppings\": { \"Cheese\": \"cheddar\", \"Sauce\": \"tomato\", \"Toppings\": [\"anchovies\", \"artichoke\", \"basil\"] } }" http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/:account/order/:uuid

  • DELETE: finds an account and order UUID in the url and will delete one order and remove it from the list of order ids on the account object; will error if no order is found

Mac/Linux/Windows: curl -X DELETE http://zarnnr.herokuapp.com/api/v1/:account/order/:uuid