Rizin Website

Local Installation

  1. Install or download the Extended version of Hugo
  2. Clone this repository and its submodules:
    $ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/rizinorg/website
  3. Enter the cloned repository and "serve" the website using Hugo
    $ cd website
    $ hugo serve

File tree description

├── assets
│  └── css
│     └── custom
│        └── rizin.css           <--- Edit CSS here
├── config.yml                   <--- Hugo Config for the website
├── content                      <--- Markdown files for single pages
│  ├── archives.md
│  ├── code-of-conduct.md        
│  ├── organization.md
│  ├── posts                     <--- Markdown blog posts
│  │  └── example
│  │     └── index.md
│  └── teams                     <--- Special folder for team pages
│     ├── community.md
│     ├── core.md
│     ├── Distributions and Packaging.md
│     ├── package-manager-and-plugins.md
│     └── . . .
├── data
│  └── teams.json                <--- JSON with teams data and descriptions
├── layouts                      <--- Special layouts
│  ├── _default
│  │  ├── organization.html
│  │  └── team.html
│  ├── index.html                <--- Main page
│  └── partials                  <--- override theme or introduce new partials
│     ├── extend_head.html
│     ├── header.html
│     └── main-page.html
├── static
│  └── images
│     └── rizin.svg
└── themes                       <--- The base theme. Don't touch files in here
   └── hugo-PaperMod