Gradle JPI plugin

This is a Gradle plugin for building Jenkins plugins, written in Groovy or Java.


Add the following to your build.gradle:

   apply from:""
   // ...or copy the contents of that URL into your build.gradle directly.

   // Whatever other plugins you need to load.

   group = "org.jenkins-ci.plugins"
   version = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"    // Or whatever your version is.
   description = "A description of your plugin"

   jenkinsPlugin {
       coreVersion = '1.420'                                               // Version of Jenkins core this plugin depends on.
       displayName = 'Hello World plugin built with Gradle'                // Human-readable name of plugin.
       url = ''   // URL for plugin on Jenkins wiki or elsewhere.
       gitHubUrl = ''              // Plugin URL on GitHub. Optional.

       // The developers section is optional, and corresponds to the POM developers section.
       developers {
           developer {
               id 'abayer'
               name 'Andrew Bayer'
               email ''

Be sure to add the jenkinsPlugin { ... } section before any additional repositories are defined in your build.gradle.


  • 'gradle jpi' - Build the Jenkins plugin file, which can then be found in the build directory. The file will currently end in ".hpi".
  • 'gradle install' - Build the Jenkins plugin and install it into your local Maven repository.
  • 'gradle uploadArchives' (or 'gradle deploy') - Deploy your plugin to the Jenkins Maven repository to be included in the Update Center.


  • As of now, a minimum Jenkins core version of 1.420 is required.