
An example Go module for my talk at the Go Israel meetup

Primary LanguageGo


A Go 1.11 demo repository.


Simple module initialized with

export GO111MODULE=on
go mod init

This creates a go.mod file.

After pushing the repository to github we can create a consumer module.

package main

import "github.com/youruser/shinable"

func main() {
    println("Is it shiny?", shinable.Shinable("Shiny"))

Initialize the above module as well with

go mod init consumer

Then build and pull dependencies with go build.

Notice that within the go.mod file shinable is annotated with an "anonymous" version.


Update shinable with new code and push it. The consumer won’t get the new version until you run go get -u.

At this point we can also push tag v1.0.0 to shinable. Notice the importance of v prefix. Still the consumer will only be updated with the latest version of shinable when we run go get -u.


In this stage the API has been broken and has been pushed as tag v2.0.0. Updating the consumer won’t break it, but can be updated with

import "github.com/youruser/shinable/v2"