
An Async Node.js SliM server for FitNesse

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An Async Node.js SliM server for FitNesse

To use slimjs on an existing FitNesse server:

npm install -g slimjs

If you want to use the most recent version please use the github repo since npm is not always up-to-date.

You can also use SlimJS with TypeScript.

On windows there might be an error when java is trying to execute SlimJS even though installed globally. Try to replace COMMAND_PATTERN with an absolute path.

!define COMMAND_PATTERN {node C:\Users\<MY_USER>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\slimjs\src\SlimJS %p}
!define SLIM_PORT {9086}

Define any port (except 1) for compatibility with newer versions of FitNesse.

Create a test page in FitNesse and add this to the top of the page, remember on windows to replace COMMAND_PATTERN with an absolute path if needed:

!define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {SlimJS %p}
!path /Path/To/My/Fixtures

|import      |

|Hi            |
|echo |sayHi?  |
|Bob  |Hi! Bob |


function Hi(){
    this.setEcho = function(str){
        this.echo = str;

    this.sayHi = function(){
        return "Hi! " + this.echo;

module.exports.Hi = Hi;

If you want to do something asynchronous, return a thenable (promise):

|script  |child_process            |
|check   |exec  |node -v  |v5.4.0  |
var exec = require('child_process').exec;

function child_process() {
    this.exec = function (cmd) {

        return {
                exec(cmd, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
                        return reject(err);



Using namespaces:

|eg.Division                       |
|numerator |denominator |quotient? |
|10        |2           |$result=  |
|$result   |10          |0.5       |
|12.6      |3           |4.2       |
|100       |4           |25        |
var eg={
        var num;
        var denom;

        this.setNumerator = function(n){
            num = n;
        this.setDenominator = function(n){
        this.quotient = function(){
            return num/denom;


Name conversion:

|should I buy milk                                              |
|cash in wallet|credit card|pints of milk remaining|go to store?|
|0             |no         |0                      |no          |
|10            |no         |0                      |yes         |
|0             |yes        |0                      |yes         |
|10            |yes        |0                      |yes         |
|0             |no         |1                      |no          |
|10            |no         |1                      |no          |
|0             |yes        |1                      |no          |
|10            |yes        |1                      |no          |
function ShouldIBuyMilk() {
    var _dollars;
    var _pints;
    var _creditCard;

    this.setCashInWallet = function(dollars) {
        _dollars = dollars;

    this.setPintsOfMilkRemaining=function(pints) {
        _pints = pints;

    this.setCreditCard = function(valid) {
        _creditCard = "yes"===valid;

    this.goToStore = function() {
        var ret=(_pints == 0 && (_dollars > 2 || _creditCard)) ? "yes" : "no";
        return ret;


Using JSON

|Json                         |
|json               |X and Y ?|
|{x:1,y:2}          |3        |
|{x:'Bar', y:' Baz'}|Bar Baz  |
function Json(){
    this.setJson = function(jsonObject){
        this.obj = jsonObject;

    this.XAndY = function(){
        return this.obj.x + this.obj.y;



For contributors

I'm working to pass the FitNesse Test Suite for Slim.

You can run these test locally here (after you startup): http://localhost:8080/FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteSlimTests

To start the environment:

npm install
cd fitnesse
java -jar fitnesse-standalone.jar -p 8080


To start the UDP logger (for debugging)

node src/utils/LogUdpServer.js

Thanks to:

Tomasz @mrt123. The first user of slimjs and for the async exec example.
Gregor Gramlich @ggramlich. For help with the SliM protocol, the PHP implementation and the promise proposal.
Christian Gagneraud @chgans. QtSlim
Nicole Rauch for important issues and TypeScript support.
