
a library for experimental linear lambda calculus

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

LinLam: a Haskell library for experimental linear lambda calculus

A collection of Haskell routines for generating, normalizing, typing, diagrammifying, and otherwise playing with linear lambda terms.


cabal configure
cabal build
cabal install --lib

The library has a few dependencies, which (hopefully!) should be automatically taken care of by cabal.

Quick start

Begin by opening the Haskell interpreter and importing the LinLam library:

$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.8.4: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Prelude> import LinLam
Prelude LinLam> 

Then try some of the example sessions below, which illustrate how to use the library to do experimental lambda calculus.

Afterwards, you can also have a look in the experiments directory, which contains some standalone compilable experiments.

Example interactive sessions

Enumerating some terms, printing and normalizing them

Prelude LinLam> allLT 5 0
[A (L 0 (V 0)) (L 1 (V 1)),L 0 (A (V 0) (L 1 (V 1))),L 1 (A (L 0 (V 0)) (V 1)),L 0 (L 1 (A (V 0) (V 1))),L 1 (L 0 (A (V 0) (V 1)))]
Prelude LinLam> printLTs (allLT 5 0)
Prelude LinLam> printLTs (allPT 5 0)
Prelude LinLam> printLTs (allBPT 7 1)
Prelude LinLam> [length (allLT (3*n+2) 0) | n <- [0..4]]
Prelude LinLam> [length (allPT (3*n+2) 0) | n <- [0..6]]
Prelude LinLam> [length (allBPT (3*n+1) 1) | n <- [0..6]]
Prelude LinLam> normalize (L 0 $ A (L 1 $ V 1) (V 0))
L 0 (V 0)
Prelude LinLam> printLTs $ filter (betaEq (L 0 $ V 0)) (allLT 5 0)
Prelude LinLam> 

Generating a random closed term and making some observations, or running a repeated experiment to generate a histogram

Prelude LinLam> t <- randomLT (3*100+2)
Prelude LinLam> printLT t
Prelude LinLam> size (normalize t)
Prelude LinLam> size t - size (normalize t)
Prelude LinLam> histogram <$> experimentLT (\t -> size t - size(normalize t)) 302 100

Type inference

Prelude LinLam> mapM_ (\t -> putStrLn (prettyLT t ++ " : " ++ prettyType (synthClosed t))) (allNLT 8 0)
\a.a(\b.b(\c.c)) : (((((γ -> γ) -> β) -> β) -> α) -> α)
\a.a(\b.\c.b(c)) : ((((γ -> β) ->-> β)) -> α) -> α)
\a.a(\c.\b.b(c)) : (((γ -> ((γ -> β) -> β)) -> α) -> α)
\a.a(\b.b)(\c.c) : (((γ -> γ) -> ((β -> β) -> α)) -> α)
\a.\b.a(b(\c.c)) : ((β -> α) -> (((γ -> γ) -> β) -> α))
\b.\a.a(b(\c.c)) : (((γ -> γ) -> β) -> ((β -> α) -> α))
\a.\b.a(\c.b(c)) : (((γ -> β) -> α) -> ((γ -> β) -> α))
\b.\a.a(\c.b(c)) : ((γ -> β) -> (((γ -> β) -> α) -> α))
\a.\c.a(\b.b(c)) : ((((γ -> β) -> β) -> α) ->-> α))
\c.\a.a(\b.b(c)) :-> ((((γ -> β) -> β) -> α) -> α))
\a.\b.a(b)(\c.c) : ((γ -> ((β -> β) -> α)) ->-> α))
\b.\a.a(b)(\c.c) :-> ((γ -> ((β -> β) -> α)) -> α))
\a.\c.a(\b.b)(c) : (((γ -> γ) ->-> α)) ->-> α))
\c.\a.a(\b.b)(c) :-> (((γ -> γ) ->-> α)) -> α))
\a.\b.\c.a(b(c)) : ((β -> α) -> ((γ -> β) ->-> α)))
\b.\a.\c.a(b(c)) : ((γ -> β) -> ((β -> α) ->-> α)))
\a.\c.\b.a(b(c)) : ((β -> α) ->-> ((γ -> β) -> α)))
\c.\a.\b.a(b(c)) :-> ((β -> α) -> ((γ -> β) -> α)))
\b.\c.\a.a(b(c)) : ((γ -> β) ->-> ((β -> α) -> α)))
\c.\b.\a.a(b(c)) :-> ((γ -> β) -> ((β -> α) -> α)))
\a.\b.\c.a(b)(c) : ((γ ->-> α)) ->->-> α)))
\b.\a.\c.a(b)(c) :-> ((γ ->-> α)) ->-> α)))
\a.\c.\b.a(b)(c) : ((γ ->-> α)) ->->-> α)))
\c.\a.\b.a(b)(c) :-> ((γ ->-> α)) ->-> α)))
\b.\c.\a.a(b)(c) :->-> ((γ ->-> α)) -> α)))
\c.\b.\a.a(b)(c) :->-> ((γ ->-> α)) -> α)))

Loading lambda terms from a file

(See example files bckwi.lam and ski.lam.)

Prelude LinLam> ts <- readLTsFromFile "terms/bckwi.lam"
Prelude LinLam> printLTs ts
Prelude LinLam> [s,k,i] <- readLTsFromFile "terms/ski.lam"
Prelude LinLam> t = k
Prelude LinLam> f = A s k
Prelude LinLam> not = A (A s (A (A s i) (A k f))) (A k t)
Prelude LinLam> or = A (A s i) (A k t)
Prelude LinLam> betaEq (A not t) f
Prelude LinLam> betaEq (A not f) t
Prelude LinLam> betaEq (foldl A or [f,f]) f
Prelude LinLam> betaEq (foldl A or [f,t]) t
Prelude LinLam> betaEq (foldl A or [t,f]) t
Prelude LinLam> betaEq (foldl A or [t,t]) t

Making diagrams

Generate a table of string diagrams (λ-graphs) representing the term structure of all closed planar terms of size 8 (in a file named diagrams/pt8,0.svg):

Prelude LinLam> renderLTs' (allPT 8 0) "diagrams/pt8,0"


Generate a table of string diagrams (proof-nets) representing the type structure of all one-variable-open normal bridgeless terms of size 7:

Prelude LinLam> trenderNLTs' (allNBLT 7 1) "diagrams/nblt7,1"


Generate a random one-variable-open bridgeless term of size 451, normalize it, and diagram its type structure (just the pure graphical diagram, without any Greek annotations):

Prelude LinLam> t <- randomBLT (3*150+1)
Prelude LinLam> trenderNLT (normalize t) "diagrams/randomnlt"



Some papers:

Some talks:

Some related tools:


Free to use under an MIT License.