
Welcome to the "Let's contribute to pandas" event! The format will be as follows:

  • 15 minutes: brief introduction, intro to the development environment, overview of issues you could choose to work on
  • rest of the session: your chance to work on issues and ask questions!

Here are some things you could choose to work on:

  • any issue from this repository
  • The good first issues label
  • The needs tests label is also a good place to start exploring it you are comfortable with tests. But be warned that some tests are trickier than others, so it could be wise to ask questions about the area of the code you are deciding to work on before you begin.
  • any other issue from the pandas-dev/pandas issue tracker (not recommended for first-timers): can be challenging and time-consuming

Remember - it's OK to push work that isn't perfect or finished, or that you're not 100% sure of!

Please visit and use this tracking spreadsheet throughout the session to track your progress.

In general, please refer to the development version of the contributing guide for pandas.