Feature Request
CarolusIII opened this issue · 0 comments
Hello Danny,
Thinking about the space your banners occupy, I came to the conclusion that these banners could make themselves more useful, being at such an important position at the top of the screen, where one would normally expect a Menu bar.
But let's not immediately propose buttons on your banner, but start simple with a single important button.
So what about turning the Banner-Icon into a nice round button.
Graphically, nothing would change, it would still look clean, but pressing the icon would start a single command, like opening a certain note, like a scratchnote, or creating a task, or appending some words to a log file or create a whole new note.
Sometimes one has to dump a thought or idea really quickly, there is no time to think about where to put it, so then simply press the banner icon and start typing or voice dictating.
I always have a banner on my daily note, and that is the perfect place to have a capable and useful big enough button under the banner icon. (I believe, many people don't even realise that this icon exists and how useful it could be made on that prominent position on the daily note)
Enough for now, I get carried away,
Have a good start to the week.