Pinned issues
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- 1
[2.0.5] When the 'Display header by default' option is checked, the checkbox will be affected in reading mode
#170 opened by Syuao - 0
[2.0.5] When the 'Display header by default' option is checked, the checkbox will be affected in reading mode
#169 opened by Syuao - 4
Bad position of banner
#168 opened by SebastianAviles - 0
Conflict between "Graph Banner" and "Banners"
#167 opened by Grihail - 3
Margin Issue
#155 opened by Programazing - 0
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How do you actually use this?
#156 opened by emptyslot - 0
[2.0.5 beta] Issue of compatibility with LaTeX Suite. Changes position of cursor and starts to change written text
#164 opened by JaimeVicent - 0
Banner doesn't appear in edit mode when visibility of properties is set to Visible or Hidden
#163 opened by JaimeVicent - 0
[2.0.5 Beta] Compatibility issue with QuickAdd
#162 opened by charle36 - 0
- 0
Issue when using Export to PDF
#160 opened by SillyPokes - 0
Banner Header display Bug
#159 opened by rk-kontur - 0
2.0.5-beta | Banner Header Suggestions
#158 opened by rk-kontur - 11
🚀 CSS that fixes beta to for on Obsidian 1.5
#146 opened by simonfossom - 0
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please,URL image for icon
#153 opened by lgssml - 0
Caret issue in tables with this plugin
#152 opened by MelodyDuplaix - 0
[BUG] Major bug in Banners 2.0.5-beta
#151 opened by Drakemoor - 1
[2.0.5] One of my notes is stuttering when I type text, only disabling "Banners" plugin solves the issue.
#149 opened by Elaws - 1
Conflict with text entry in Canvas
#133 opened by kitmonkman - 0
Dataview table and Banners v2
#150 opened by javiavid - 2
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Checklists are messed up in 2.0.5-beta
#136 opened by davidolrik - 6
Too much empty space below banner after edit
#141 opened by chrisbrasington - 0
Update Legacy syntax breaks with Templater Syntax
#148 opened by namtrah - 2
Empty space when scrolling to the right on mobile
#135 opened by noatpad - 0
Pictures used online are not refreshed
#144 opened by zsgcgrs - 0
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Compatibility with table editor in Obsidian v1.5.0
#142 opened by cconrad - 0
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Obsidian Properties
#137 opened by Aetherinox - 0
Remove property prefix for Banner_Icon
#138 opened by Aeases - 3
Incompatibility with Minimal Theme
#130 opened by Aeases - 3
Can't open lates beta on mobile
#134 opened by Asetnozama - 3
[Bug] Doesn't play well with long titles
#129 opened by Aeases - 1
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Console logging spam
#132 opened by drshajul - 2
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[BETA] Allow icon next to the inline title
#123 opened by Mara-Li - 3
Type Mismatch on "banner_header" key
#121 opened by Aeases