
[BUG] Major bug in Banners 2.0.5-beta

Drakemoor opened this issue · 0 comments

First, I love the new Banners. Unfortunately, this bug prevents me from using them.

When I enable the plug-in, all my templates and some of my files can't be opened in Obsidian.

This is the error I usually get:

app.js:1 YAMLParseError: Implicit keys need to be on a single line at line 6, column 1:

rating: 1

    at onError (app.js:1:821224)
    at app.js:1:809101
    at ME (app.js:1:809822)
    at RE (app.js:1:820393)
    at app.js:1:821589
    at [as push] (app.js:1:821731)
    at JE.pop (app.js:1:835918)
    at JE.lineEnd (app.js:1:844219)
    at JE.document (app.js:1:837553)
    at JE.step (app.js:1:835338)

If I turn the plugin off, everything works fine.

Windows 10
Obsidian 1.5.10
installer 1.5.8
Banners 2.0.5-beta

Attached is an example of a template that throws the error. It requires Templater & Moviegrabber plugins.

Let me know if you need any other information.