
Type Mismatch on "banner_header" key

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The automatic header filename uses a boolean, where as the custom name uses a string, could cause incompatibilities with the upcoming obsidian databases & gives you a ugly (kinda nice looking) warning symbol depending on whether your first banner header was a filename or a custom one.


One solution could be to just use a word like "filename" to trigger the automatic header, could allow the user to change that in setting too

That's true actually. I forgot about the upcoming database changes would probably require properties to be consistent with their types. For the time being, I think using an empty string could also work to trigger the automatic filename

Yea that sounds like a better solution, great this will be fixed b4 it's out of beta!

All good to go in! An empty (or rather null) value will now trigger the auto filename insertion