
Conflict with the Banners Plugin and using Obsidian Git across OS[Bug]:

Opened this issue · 9 comments

So if I have the banner frontmatter in a note and edit the note on my MacBook I can successfully push it to GitHub. When I use git bash to pull it on my windows computer it is successful and the note is completely as expected. However, when I open obsidian or do the pull via obsidian, the notes I edit on my MacBook and have a banner in the frontmatter, all of a sudden have this at the top of the file (as per the photo):

banner: "![[Banner.png]]"

Or whatever image is linked. This wrecks the rest of the frontmatter for the file. I have checked the files with vs code as well as the raw files on GitHub it only occurs after I open Obsidian on my windows 10 machine. This issue does not happen when I edit a file on my windows machine, push it, pull it and open it up on the MacBook.

I have tried restarting, reinstalling both banners and obsidian git, and changing the banner frontmatter field name.

Other info:
I sync basically everything across the devices except for .obsidian/workspace as I want all the same settings across devices

Something I have noticed is that on my Macbook it says

Everything is up to date
No changes to commit
No changes to push

Whereas on windows it says:

No changes to commit
No changes to push
Everything is up to date

So maybe the issue lies with the order of operations but I have checked the settings and both are set to pull changes before pushing


If I comment out the banner frontmatter via adding this in front of it:
[//] #
The problem goes away so I am quite sure it is a conflict between obsidian git and banners on windows

I'm also seeing this behaviour on a Windws 10 machine.

Same problem for me.

Same here, but only when using Obsidian in Android

rcnsh commented

Same problem here.

rcnsh commented

*Also can confirm this bug still occurs between Windows 10 and 11

I get this at the first run when the vault is just cloned with the git plugin disabled

I am pretty sure this does not relate to obsidian git, i get same issues without it.

#91 and #86 are duplicate, i just can't use this plugin because of that, i think it's the same for everyone.

I am pretty sure this does not relate to obsidian git, i get same issues without it.

#91 and #86 are duplicate, i just can't use this plugin because of that, i think it's the same for everyone.

Yeah not using obsidian gits but is having this issues.