
A Java-based Cloud Foundry Firehose nozzle that writes to InfluxDB

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cloud Foundry Firehose Nozzle for InfluxDB

This nozzle will take ValueMetric and CounterEvent metrics from the Cloud Foundry firehose and send them to an InfluxDB Server for storage. It can be horizontally scaled, as long as the subscription ID (see below) is the same across all instances


./mvnw clean package


Accepted Environment Variables

Name Desc Type Required Default
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_API_HOST The Cloud Countroller API Host String Y
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_CLIENT_ID The OAuth2 Client ID (must have doppler.firehose scope) String Y
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_CLIENT_SECRET The Secret for the above client String Y
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_FOUNDATION Identifying string to be added to all measurements as a tag String N
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_DB_NAME The Influx DB name (must exist) String Y metrics
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_DB_HOST The Influx DB URL String Y http://localhost:8086
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_BATCH_SIZE The batch size to be sent to Influx. Should be between 1 - 5000 int Y 100
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_BACKOFF_POLICY How to backoff between retries (one of exponential, linear, or random String Y exponential
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_MIN_BACKOFF Time in millis to wait between retries, at least long Y 100
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_MAX_BACKOFF Time in millis to wait between retries, at most long Y 30000
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_MAX_RETRIES Max number of retries before giving up int Y 10
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID The identifying string for the Cloud Foundry firehose. Must be the same across all instances, but must be unique from all other nozzles. String Y influxdb-nozzle
INFLUXDB_NOZZLE_TAG_FIELDS Metric fields that can be saved as InfluxDB tags. Current accepted values are job, index, deployment, tags, delta, unit. Must be sent as a JSON list. For example, ["job","index","unit"] String Y []

Note about Batch Size: There is a direct correlation between the batch size and the amount of memory used. Running the app on Cloud Foundry, a batch size of 250 routinely uses around 550 MB RAM. A batch size of 500 will routinely go over 1 GB.