
Transclusion of files in emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Transclude text by references. Transcluded text is not saved in refernce text when saved.


To transclude tax, run M-x emacs-transclusion/transclude-data-for-current-buffer

Example transclusion syntax

[EMBED: /tmp/somefile.txt]
[EMBED: :org-header-name "* header1" /tmp/ref.org]


  • Specify Org-Mode syntax to provide "org-modey way" of text transclusion, ex:
#+BEGIN_TRANSCLUDE_REF /some/file.txt
Some test
  • Transclusion of ORG text by referencs of ORG headers
  • Create Melpa Package
  • Allow users to extend code to use cusotm reference resolution functions
  • Allow users to use custom transclusion markup
  • Allow modification of transcluded text to modify origianl transcluded source
  • Add read-only text attribute to transcluded text by default