Pinned issues
- 0
- 3
- 0
Compatibility check and testing for node.js 22
#276 opened by ioBroker-Bot - 1
- 2
- 8
Schaltbare Kontakte steuern - V2.1 Technikpaket
#220 opened by patricknitsch - 3
Connection to API not possible
#248 opened by mkn1981 - 2
Wrong Values with 1.6.13
#259 opened by COMHOME - 2
Senec Status is being reported as "unknown" - in local web dashboard it shows "Aufwachladung"
#230 opened by MLeo84 - 1
- 5
Entladen Freigeben
#239 opened by Dette70 - 4
- 3
- 2
Instanz taucht nicht auf - Fehler in Installation?
#223 opened by Nemo3006 - 5
- 0
My fault
#222 opened by Tom-Bruzze - 2
Cannot find js-controller
#221 opened by wilsonsgro - 9
Senec Home 4 / Senec APP API
#201 opened by oakdesign - 7
Control for Wallbox
#191 opened by esusxunil - 4
Alltime Statistik wird nicht aktualisiert
#208 opened by metzger304 - 1
- 7
Keine Verbindung mit Gerät oder Dienst
#165 opened by raVsu - 3
Detect "throttled" state?
#172 opened by dwm66 - 2
AllTime values are no longer up to date
#194 opened by erik-schulze - 2
STATISTICS Folder missing
#193 opened by Hobbyflyer - 3
Force load switch object stopped working
#192 opened by Kirmesboxer24 - 5
Autarky values are wrong
#181 opened by Signum - 2
Warning: (addUserDps) Datapoints config for ENERGY doesn't follow [A-Z0-9_,] (no blanks allowed!) - Ignoring:
#183 opened by esusxunil - 2
alltime statistic
#182 opened by metzger304 - 2
- 2
Senec changed from HTTP to HTTPS
#174 opened by synaps18 - 2
Missing statisic in Adapter
#173 opened by Meteroidn - 1
- 4
Priority Wallbox Datapoints
#46 opened by ricten - 10
Senec changed to https
#164 opened by MaBernO - 2
Consider adding this adapter to the stable repository
#131 opened by mcm1957 - 4
dapter botte ins Repository aufnehmen lassen
#114 opened by Apollon77 - 2
State attribute definition missing
#120 opened by Apropo1710 - 1
Wrong unit for Datapoint senec.0.STATISTIC.LIVE_WB_ENERGY.0 -> Wh instead of kWh
#148 opened by B4n4n3 - 2
iobroker can not install latest senec adapter
#139 opened by omc69 - 3
banned from cloud?
#130 opened by santiagos5 - 5
#24 opened by Si-Ska - 2
Trigger "Manuelle Sicherheitsladung"/"Entladen"
#121 opened by Apollon77 - 2
- 1
Senec-Tab in iobroker
#85 opened by woessmich - 1
include Loq_viewer in iobroker
#84 opened by metzger304 - 1
update STAT_STATE_text
#83 opened by metzger304 - 3
New status 97/
#61 opened by Signum - 1
Compatibility check to js-controller 4.0
#27 opened by ioBrokerChecker - 6
MQTT Settings nach Re-Start nicht mehr gesetzt
#26 opened by Tequila329