Unable to get real-time map update
m-haritha opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello! Thanks for this great plugin.
I'm trying to visualize the changing GPS position of a robot in real-time. I added the AerialMap plugin to rviz, and added an "axes" object to mark the base_link frame of the robot.
Unfortunately, I am not able to visualize the position of base_link changing in real-time. When I press the "reset" button at the bottom of rviz, the position is updated; but otherwise it is sort of "stuck" in the same position.
May I know if this behaviour is intentional, or is there a way to get the map updated in real time?
Thank you!
Its a bit hard to understand your issue. What does this plugin have to do with the Axis Display you render in RViz?
I agree, it is hard to understand what you exactly mean. Please create a short video of showcasing what you mean. Until then I will close this issue.