
Alexa skill to play the TechSNAP podcast

Primary LanguageClojure


Alexa skill to play the TechSNAP podcast.


Experiment using alexa-app, express, and the new-ish npm-deps clojurescript compiler options.


  • Improve rss feed operations
  • Implement next, shuffle, pause/resume
  • Add specs/tests


To get an interactive development environment run:

lein figwheel

To clean all compiled files:

lein clean

To create a production build run:

lein do clean, cljsbuild once min

And open your browser in resources/public/index.html. You will not get live reloading, nor a REPL.


Copyright © 2018 Wesley Payne

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.