
The Art.sy Engineering Developers Blog

Primary LanguageCSS

The dev blog is at http://artsy.github.com and is powered by Octopress.


The blog is two branches in https://github.com/artsy/artsy.github.com - master for the live site and source for the contents of the blog. You first check out the source and then create a _deploy subfolder that points to the master branch. The rest is taken care by Octopress Rake tasks.

$ git clone git@github.com:artsy/artsy.github.com.git
$ cd artsy.github.com
artsy.github.com$ git checkout source
artsy.github.com$ mkdir _deploy
artsy.github.com$ cd _deploy
artsy.github.com/_deploy$ git init
artsy.github.com/_deploy$ git remote add origin git@github.com:artsy/artsy.github.com.git
artsy.github.com/_deploy$ git pull origin master
artsy.github.com/_deploy$ cd ..

One Liner of above

git clone git@github.com:artsy/artsy.github.com.git;cd artsy.github.com;git checkout source;mkdir _deploy;cd _deploy;git init;git remote add origin git@github.com:artsy/artsy.github.com.git;git pull origin master;cd ..

See it Locally

artsy.github.com$ rake generate
artsy.github.com$ rake preview

Authoring an Article

See blogging basics.

To generate a new post, run rake new_post["Title of Post"]. This will generate a markdown file in source/_posts. Be sure to add your name as the author of the post and include a couple of categories to file the post under. Here's some sample header YAML:

layout: post
title: "Responsive Layouts with CSS3"
date: 2012-01-17 11:03
comments: true
author: Matt McNierney
github-url: https://www.github.com/mmcnierney14
twitter-url: http://twitter.com/mmcnierney
blog-url: http://mattmcnierney.wordpress.com
categories: [Design, CSS, HTML5]

When you have authored an article, git add and git commit it, then push to the source branch with git push origin source. To publish the post, you need to deploy the blog.


artsy.github.com$ rake generate
artsy.github.com$ rake deploy