

下列开源项目存在与"一个**"原则不一致的部分, 使用请谨慎

The open source projects below has content that's inconsistent with "One-China" policy, please use with caution.

注: 本人暂仅对明确表示数据来源于ISO 3166的项目进行交涉

交涉中 Communicating

项目 相关issue/PR 问题简述
woocommerce add Hong Kong, Taiwan as Chinese states; fix name of Macao 港澳台
mledoze/countries Please remove “Province of China” from Taiwan
Bastian/bStats use short name in ISO 3166 data
Automattic/wp-calypso Stats: should Taiwan be included as a province of China, or as a separate country (current situation)

尚未交涉 Not yet start communication

项目 问题简述
fzaninotto/Faker 中文语言包无误. 其他语言包的国家列表中有Taiwan, 日语的国家列表中有港台
joke2k/faker 同上


项目 潜在问题 相关issue/PR
Drupal Switch from ISO-3166-1 country data to CLDR unicode data
DiUS/java-faker Fix TW address
Ubuntu Taiwan is PRACTICALLY a "<country>", but not "Province of <country>"