
This repository contains python exercices and solutions coded from the IDE MrPython. The language used is a derivative from the original Python language.

MrPyton IDE

MrPython is a minimalist Python source code editor with a primarily educational purpose.

Main functions

  • Python source code editing with assisted indentation and syntax highlighting
  • Student mode with typing (PEP-484 annotations) and many other checks, functional graphics library, test assertions, etc.
  • Expert mode with full Python language support

Install MacOS

  1. install python: or python 3.8.6 installer
  2. get MrPython sources
  3. extract the archive to a directory of your choice, this will create a MrPython-master/directory with the software sources.
  4. You can launch MrPython by double-clicking, in the MrPython-master/mrpython/ subdirectory, on the file. You can also use the Python Launcher software installed with the Python environment on Mac, by consulting the associated documentation.

Install Linux (Ubuntu and others)

  1. install python:

apt-get install python3.8 python3-tk sudo apt-get install python3.8 python3-tk

  1. get MrPython sources

  2. In the terminal, you can go to the MrPython-master/mrpython subdirectory of the project:

cd MrPython-master/mrpython python3 ./

Extra: you can create alias or shortcut (replace <MrPython path> with the installation path used)

alias mrpython="python3.8 <MrPython path>/MrPython-master/mrpython/"