
Customizable software keyboard debouncer for Mac

Primary LanguageSwift


This program suppresses keyboard chattering on Mac, which occurs especially on butterfly keyboards. This is a Swift implementation of debounce-mac.


$ git clone git@github.com:nobu-g/DebounceMac.git
$ cd DebounceMac
$ swift build -c release
$ .build/release/DebounceMac

Note: to build this program, you need Xcode installed.

Auto-start at login

$ cp .build/release/DebounceMac /usr/local/bin/debounce
$ cp com.user.DebounceMac.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.user.DebounceMac.plist

For details, see README of debounce-mac.


You can easily customize debounce delay configuration by editing a JSON file.
Once you run this program, it creates a config file at ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/DebounceMac/config.json. By default, debounce delay (i.e., acceptable input interval) of all keys is set to 100ms, and you can change this setting.

For example, example.json below means

  • debounce delay of all keys except "R" is set to 100ms
  • debounce delay of "R" is 120ms.
  • debounce delay of "Space" is 200ms only when the "Option" key is down and the "Shift" key is up.
        "key": "ALL",
        "delay": 100,
        "key": "R",
        "delay": 120,
        "key": "Space",
        "delay": 200,
        "condition": {
            "Option": true,
            "Shift": false,

For more about the config file format, see Config/config.schema.json.

You can also specify the config file name by the command line argument.

$ .build/release/DebounceMac myconfig.json

If you use launchctl, you need to edit ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.user.DebounceMac.plist and reload it.