
Code for COLING 2020 Paper

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


BERT based Japanese cohesion analyzer.


This project provides a system to perform the following analyses in a multi-task manner.

  • Verbal Predicate argument structure Analysis (VPA)
  • Nominal Predicate argument structure Analysis (NPA)
  • Bridging Anaphora Resolution (BAR)
  • Coreference Resolution (CR)

The process is as follows.

  1. Apply Juman++ and KNP to an input text and split the text into base phrases.
  2. Extract target phrases to analyze from the base phrases by seeing features added by KNP such as <用言> and <体言>.
  3. Split each phrase into subwords using BPE.
  4. For each target phrase subword, select its arguments (or antecedents) using BERT.

For more information, please refer to the original paper





Setup Environment

Python Virtual Environment

poetry install

Specification of dependent tools

Create src/analyzer/config.ini, which specifies path to Juman++ and KNP, by copying src/analyzer/config.example.ini.

Example of config.ini:

juman_command = /home/example/.local/bin/jumanpp
knp_command = /home/example/.local/bin/knp
knp_host =
knp_port = 5000
juman_option = -s 1
knp_dpnd_option = -tab -disable-segmentation-modification -dpnd-fast
knp_case_option = -tab -disable-segmentation-modification -case2
pos_list = <path/to/pos.list>

You can remove knp_host and knp_port if you don't use KNP as a server mode.

Quick Start

$ wget https://lotus.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~ueda/dist/cohesion_analysis_model.tar.gz  # trained checkpoint
$ tar xvzf cohesion_analysis_model.tar.gz  # make sure that the extracted directory is located at the root directory of this project
$ MODEL=cohesion_analysis_model/model_best.pth

$ python src/predict.py \
--model $MODEL \
--input "太郎はパンを買って食べた。"


太郎は──┐  ノ: =:
  パンを┐│  ノ: =:
    買って┤  ガ:太郎 ヲ:パン ニ: ガ2:
    食べた。  ガ:太郎 ヲ:パン ニ: ガ2:


  • --model, -m, -r: a path to trained checkpoint
  • --device, -d: GPU IDs separated by "," (if not specified, use CPU)
  • --input, -i: input sentence or document separated by "。"
  • -tab: output results in KNP tab format if specified

predict.py requires Juman++ and KNP for the analysis. Make sure you have Juman++ and KNP installed before you run the above command. In addition, I recommend you to create src/analyzer/config.ini so that the system can find Juman++, KNP, and their configurations. For details, see src/analyzer/config.example.ini

Processing a Large Number of Documents

Given raw sentences, follow the steps below to process them.

  1. Apply KNP to each sentence and create .knp files.
    cat sentences.txt | jumanpp | knp -tab > sentences.knp
    cat sentences.knp | somescript.sh  # split sentences.knp so that one knp file contains one document.
  2. Run predict.py specifying the directory where the .knp files exist in the option --knp-dir.
    python src/predict.py \
    --model /path/to/trained/checkpoint \
    --knp-dir /path/to/parsed/document/directory \
    --export-dir path/to/export/directory
  3. .knp files with <rel > and <述語項構造:> tags are exported to the directory specified in --export-dir option.
  4. Read the resultant files using pyknp or kyoto-reader.


Each .knp file, which KNP created, contains a line indicating the sentence id of the following lines: # S-ID:***. This project regards S-ID without its tail as the document id. For example, the document id of a sentence whose S-ID is w201106-0000060050-1 is w201106-0000060050. Sentences that have the same document ids are analyzed as a single document.

Training A Model From Scratch

Downloading Corpora

cd /somewhere

    mkdir kwdlc
    git clone https://github.com/ku-nlp/KWDLC kwdlc/KWDLC
  • KyotoCorpus

    For members of github.com:ku-nlp

    mkdir kc
    git clone https://github.com/ku-nlp/KyotoCorpusFull.git kc/KyotoCorpus


    mkdir kc
    git clone https://github.com/ku-nlp/KyotoCorpus kc/KyotoCorpus

Adding features

kyoto-reader, which this project depends on, provides some commands to preprocess corpora. For example, kyoto configure creates Makefile to add features for this analyzer, and kyoto idsplit splits corpus documents into train/valid/test datasets.

$ git clone https://github.com/ku-nlp/JumanDIC
$ kyoto configure --corpus-dir /somewhere/kwdlc/KWDLC/knp \
--data-dir /somewhere/kwdlc \
--juman-dic-dir /somewhere/JumanDIC/dic
created Makefile at /somewhere/kwdlc
$ kyoto configure --corpus-dir /somewhere/kc/KyotoCorpus/knp \
--data-dir /somewhere/kc \
--juman-dic-dir /somewhere/JumanDIC/dic
created Makefile at /somewhere/kc
$ cd /somewhere/kwdlc && make -i
$ cd /somewhere/kc && make -i
$ kyoto idsplit --corpus-dir /somewhere/kwdlc/knp \
--output-dir /somewhere/kwdlc \
--train /somewhere/kwdlc/KWDLC/id/split_for_pas/train.id \
--valid /somewhere/kwdlc/KWDLC/id/split_for_pas/dev.id \
--test /somewhere/kwdlc/KWDLC/id/split_for_pas/test.id
$ kyoto idsplit --corpus-dir /somewhere/kc/knp \
--output-dir /somewhere/kc \
--train /somewhere/kc/KyotoCorpus/id/split_for_pas/train.full.id \
--valid /somewhere/kc/KyotoCorpus/id/split_for_pas/dev.full.id \
--test /somewhere/kc/KyotoCorpus/id/split_for_pas/test.full.id

Preprocessing Documents

After adding features to the corpora, you need to load and pickle them. This process also splits documents that is too long to fit in the max sequence length of pre-trained BERT.

python src/preprocess.py \
--kwdlc /somewhere/kwdlc \
--kc /somewhere/kc \
--out /somewhere/dataset \
--bert-name nict \
--bert-path /somewhere/NICT_BERT-base_JapaneseWikipedia_32K_BPE

Do not care if many messages saying "sentence not found" are shown when processing KyotoCorpus. KyotoCorpus includes many too long documents and it is a natural result of splitting too long documents.

Configuring Settings

Model training requires a json file that defines various training settings. Following command creates the configuration file.

python src/configure.py \
-c /path/to/config/directory \
-d /somewhere/dataset \
-e <num-epochs> \
-b <batch-size> \
--model <model-name> \
--corpus kwdlc kc


python src/configure.py -c config -d data/dataset -e 4 8 -b 8 --model BaselineModel --corpus kwdlc kc

Training Models

Launch the trainer with a configuration.

python src/train.py \
-c /path/to/config/file \
-d <gpu-ids>


python src/train.py -c config/CAModel-all-4e-nict-cz-vpa.json -d 0,1

Testing Models

python src/test.py \
-r /path/to/trained/model \
-d <gpu-ids>

If you specify a config file besides the trained model, the setting will be overwritten.

You can perform an ensemble test as well. In this case, test.py gather all files named model_best.pth under the directory specified in --ens option.

python src/test.py \
--ens /path/to/model/set/directory \
-d <gpu-ids>

Scoring From System Output

python src/scorer.py \
--prediction-dir /path/to/system/output/directory \
--gold-dir /path/to/gold/directory \

Performing Training Process with Make

You can also perform training and testing using make.

Here is an example of training your own model 5 times with different random seeds:

make train GPUS=<gpu-ids> CONFIG=/path/to/config/file TRAIN_NUM=5

Testing command is as follows (outputs confidence interval):

make test GPUS=<gpu-ids> RESULT=/path/to/result/directory

This command executes two commands above all at once.

make all GPUS=<gpu-ids> CONFIG=/path/to/config/file TRAIN_NUM=5

Ensemble test:

make test-ens GPUS=<gpu-ids> RESULT=/path/to/result/directory

Significance test (t-test):

make test-diff GPUS=<gpu-ids> RESULT=/path/to/result/directory COMP=/path/to/another/result/directory

Environment Variables

  • BPA_CACHE_DIR: A directory where processed documents are cached. Default value is /tmp/$USER/bpa_cache.
  • BPA_OVERWRITE_CACHE: If set, the data loader does not load cache even if it exists.
  • BPA_DISABLE_CACHE: If set, the data loader does not load or save cache.


  • Kyoto University Web Document Leads Corpus (KWDLC)
  • Kyoto University Text Corpus (KyotoCorpus)


BERT-based Cohesion Analysis of Japanese Texts [Ueda+, COLING2020]



Nobuhiro Ueda <ueda at nlp.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp>