OSM “Standard” tile server playground

This project provides followings:

  • docker-compose.yml that runs OpenStreetMap (OSM) “Standard” tile server
  • HTML file that shows slippy map (Leaflet) using tile server on localhost



docker-compose build

Initialize database

docker-compose up -d map-database

docker-compose run map-data-util init-db

Put map data to database

# First time, `--init` option must be used
docker-compose run map-data-util update-map-data http://download.geofabrik.de/asia/azerbaijan-latest.osm.pbf --init

# If you input map data of other area, change map URL.
# e.g. use following command to input Japanese map data:
# docker-compose run map-data-util update-map-data http://download.geofabrik.de/asia/japan-latest.osm.pbf --init

# Create indices
docker-compose run map-data-util create-indices

Prerender tiles

# Start renderd
docker-compose up -d tile-renderer

# Run prerenderer
docker-compose run tile-prerenderer

# If you want to watch logs
docker-compose logs -f

Run tile server

docker-compose up -d tile-server

# If you want to watch logs
docker-compose logs -f

Then, the url http://localhost/osm/slippymap.html shows world map.

Show slippy map (Leaflet)

Browse frontend/sample.html.


The Software is published under the MIT license. See LICENSE file.


Thanks to OND Inc.